Saturday, 30 July 2022

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 31/07/2022 - The True God and Eternal Life Part 2


Hello ... and welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for the last day in July, 2022!

We're through the heatwave and into authentic Welsh summer dampness, but the Word for the Week video this week touches on the atmosphere and the weather, the way we account for it and what we do next ... so don't forget to click ad watch the six minute video short below.

This week we come to the end of our series in the powerful New Testament book John wrote to a few house churches around Ephesus ... and he definitely got out with a bang rather than a whimper! The audio file for that and the studiocam video from recording that sits just beneath the 'sermon' button.

There's a quick audio soundbite for that here

Can't wait now, eh?


So let's get started ...

Let's pray

"If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
    Lord, who could stand?

But with you there is forgiveness,
    so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in his word I put my hope.

I wait for the Lord
    more than watchmen wait for the morning,
    more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord,

    for with the Lord is unfailing love
    and with him is full redemption.

He himself will redeem Israel

    from all their sins."

Psalm 130:3-8

Our Father we come longing to meet with you and to be restored by your live-giving fellowship.
Please deal with us according to our need and in your rich mercy.
Wash us from all our weaknesses and failures of the past week.
Set us free from the things that entangle us ... and equip us to walk in the Way that lasts for ever.
We ask for Jesus' sake.


While we're on that subject ...

Here's the (slightly controversial but) seasonally adjusted 

Word for the Week video

Let's sing

Prayer pointers

We are so used to praying about adverse circumstances in developing parts of the world that praying for people in trouble in developed countries can seem unusual, but today we begin by praying for ...


  • According to the US Geological Survey, Kentucky saw eight to 10 inches of rainfall in a 24-hour period.
  • Kentucky’s rivers are expected to peak this weekend, with more rain expected after a break in the bad weather on Saturday. More storms are expected there today (Sunday).
  • Flash flooding in eastern Kentucky has now claimed 25 lives, with at least a dozen more people reported missing, as officials in the Appalachian region attempt to calculate the cost of the worst natural disaster there in decades.
  • The Kentucky governor, Andy Beshear, said he expected the death toll to continue to rise in the state and warned officials still could not reach certain areas.
  • There are still a lot of people unaccounted for.
  • Traumatic accounts of people of all ages being swept away have been recorded
  • Many people have lost all their possessions and it will take a long while to rebuild homes and infrastructure.
  • The state Governor has asked everyone to pray. (Click the link for BBC news video of that).
  • Pray for Samaritans Purse which is active in the area: "Teams are removing ruined walls and flooring, carrying debris out of homes, and recovering any precious belongings not claimed by the floods. We are working in Jesus’ Name, representing the Lord Jesus Christ, working as His hands and feet and sharing the hope found only in the Gospel."
  • Pray for a significant number of Bible-believing congregations whose premises and people have been flooded out and who have lost loved ones
  • Tony Brown, pastor of First Baptist Church in Whitesburg, was hauling out everything that was damaged on the first floor of the church Friday morning. 
    “The biggest problem we’re facing is we’re already economically depressed,” he said. “Because of this we may have a mass exodus of people. We were already on the verge of being a ghost town.”
    Pray for churches like these 
    the are doing everything they can with what they have left to serve their communities in meeting the people's needs at this time.
  • Iraq has seen nine months of political stalemate preventing the creation of a new government.
  • Muqtada al-Sadr is a Shia Moslem cleric who wants to end US and Iranian influence over Iraq's internal affairs. Mr. Sadr claimed victory for his nationalist Saeroun movement following October's election, but it has proved impossible since then to build a new governing coalition, as Mr Sadr has refused to work with rivals.
  • Mr Sadr's block won the most seats last October, but it is not in power due to the political deadlock.
  • His supporters again breached the high-security Green Zone (for the second time recently) in Baghdad today, as they oppose the nomination of a pro-Iran rival candidate for prime minister.
  • Over 120 people were injured across the area in the latest unrest.
  • At least sixty people were injured today when the parliament building itself was stormed for the second time in a week
  • Give thanks for the measured response of Iraq's current prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, who instructed the security forces to "protect the demonstrators" and called on protesters to "maintain their peaceful move, avoid escalation and abide by the directives of the security forces whose goal is to protect them, and to protect official institutions".
  • Give thanks for the emergence of Iraqi Arab evangelicals in recent years (now over 50,000) which is an amazing answer to prayer!
    0.2% of the population are now reckoned to be Evangelical Christians.
    Many of these come from Muslim and even extremist backgrounds, but they encountered Christ through evangelical witness, gospel radio, and especially through dreams and visions of Jesus.
    Pray for leaders for the churches.
    Many fled the country and others died, often targeted by Islamists.
  • Pray for the peace of troubled Iraq, for the safety of believers and the reconstruction of stable and benign government.


The Eisteddfod
From July 30th - August 6th. the National Eisteddfod is being held at Tregaron with a. range of Christian outreach taking place on the Maes and 150,000 visitors expected.

The Evangelical Movement of Wales have a stand and ask for prayer that:
  • That people will be willing to receive a copy of John's gospel and be ready to consider what John said about Jesus.
  • That people will respond to all theverses that will be around the stand, and accept Jesus as their saviour.
  • That God will lead people to us who have a deep need and thirst for truth.
  • That enough people will join the team (we are very weak on the first and last weekend).
  • Pray for us that Christ will be glorified.
The Sheep Festival
y GRWP will be working jointly with Memorial Chapel on the outreach at Llandovery's Sheep Festival this year,
Please pray for 
  • The literature that is in the course of being prepared and for our meeting to finalise content and design next week
  • The right people with the right experiences in life and a good understanding of how to share the Good News about Jesus to be available for the people we'll meet at the stand over the two days of the event
  • That God will be glorified and souls will be saved as a result of the effort we are undertaking
Lord in your mercy would you inspire, hear and answer our prayers ... because we ask for Jesus' sake.


(To see the lyrics for this next song, please click on it below, then click the button on the bottom right when you open the video to watch it in YouTube ... I've no idea why, but if you do that it should work for you.)

"There is one Gospel on which I stand
For all eternity
It is my story, my Father’s plan
The Son has rescued me
Oh what a Gospel, Oh what a peace
My highest joy and my deepest need
Now and forever He is my light
I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ"

Let's sing it!

Let's pray

We thank you Lord and Heavenly Father for feeding us by your Spirit through your Word. 

We thank you for all that we have learned from 1 John to secure our faith and increase our understanding of your ways.

Take us out into the coming week aware and alert to all that your Word has impressed upon us so that we might live in the wisdom you provide.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Many thanks for being united here with us in the Spirit here today.

If you'd like a chat 'at the door' afterwards, please drop me an email or a WhatsApp message on 07748 644958. Sadly phone calls to that number and texts still do not work but we am pursuing my service provider hard to resolve this issue.

If you'd like to join us in worshipping by giving please feel free to click the Stewardship graphic below to be taken to our giving site. Thanks!

Until next time ... pob bendith!


Saturday, 23 July 2022

DIY Sunday Service Kit 24/07/22 - 1 John 5:20b-21 - The True God and Eternal Life


Hello, and welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for July 24th., 2022

The Bible ministry today takes a first look at 1 John 5:20b-21 and centres on the foundation John lays for his concluding punchline for 1 John ... the book we've been travelling through on and off since last September!

Next week we get to the punchline ... and what a punch it packs!

But for now we are looking at the foundation of that great concluding exhortation with which the book closes.

So let's worship the God Who speaks to us in and through His written and His Incarnate Word  ...


"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 

but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."

Hebrews 1:1-3

I've been really helped and encouraged through the music in our service this week ... I hope it helps and encourages you too! 

First to lead our singing today are the Chet Valley Churches.

Let's sing ...

Here's this week's Word for the Week video

Sovereign Grace Music help us next to tune our hearts to be ready to PRAY, using the words of Psalm 13

Prayer Points

Today we pray for parts of the world where people are feeling real pressure to find food to feed themselves and their families, and for the situations that give rise to this physical famine.


  • The current drought is the worst that Afghanistan has seen in 27 years.
  • The June 2022 earthquake is the deadliest to strike the region in two decades.
  • More than 22 million people are facing severe hunger.
  • Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes to conflict in the last year.
  • Conflict and the coronavirus pandemic have overwhelmed the country’s healthcare system. And malnutrition is making people more vulnerable to viruses and diseases.

East Africa

People across East Africa are facing starvation. This situation affects Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. 

A series of crises have combined to leave more than 18 million people desperately short of food. Praying for such a vast crisis can feel overwhelming, but prayer is powerful and can be part of the solution.

The worst drought in 40 years has led to harvests withering away; the invasion of Ukraine has caused the price of food imports to skyrocket; local conflicts have forced millions of people from their homes; and flash floods have been washing away what little is left.

The upshot is that after four successive seasons of failed rains more than 18 million people have been left desperately short of food across the area. 

Local conflict, combined with skyrocketing food prices caused by the invasion of Ukraine, is making the situation even worse. 

Lives are at risk. 

Children are especially vulnerable.

‘All we know is hunger,’ a young girl aged 12 from Uganda, told Tearfund. ‘When we sleep our stomachs are growling because we have not eaten for days.’

  • Pray for provision of nourishing food and clean water for those in need.
  • Pray for healing for those who are suffering from malnutrition and hunger. Pray that they will feel God’s love and comfort surrounding them. Pray that there will be no long-term side effects or medical conditions due to hunger.
  • Ask God to bring the rainfall that is needed to parts of Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. Pray that this will lead to abundant harvests and for water sources to spring up again closer to communities.
  • The shortages of resources, including food, is making conflict worse in Ethiopia and leading to renewed conflict in other places. Pray for people’s safety and for peace to reign.
  • Pray for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, which is having a huge effect on the price of essential food supplies such as flour and cooking oil.


There are five areas we can focus our prayers on: for people affected by the violence; for those in leadership positions; for God’s power and love to be revealed through the church; for the wider global impact; and for peace

  • That people still in Ukraine will be protected from the violence; that there will be provision of essential supplies, such as food and clean water. Pray for vulnerable people who cannot flee, for example those with disabilities or the elderly.
  • That refugees will find safe places to stay. Pray that host communities will welcome refugees with compassion, and that there will be support for all in need. 
  • For healing for people who are wounded or have experienced trauma; and comfort for those who are grieving.
  • That leaders on both sides will be miraculously filled with compassion, wisdom, calm and a desire for peace. 
  • That world leaders will seek ways to build bridges, de-escalate tensions, and restore global security.
  • That agreements entered into for free passage of people and (crucially) of grain to feed the developing world will be honoured
  • That the church in the Ukraine, Russia and across the wider region will be a voice for peace; and that they will have the resources they need to help people who are vulnerable.
  • That the church and other organisations around the world will have the courage and conviction to act practically and sacrificially to help people injured, sick and in need
  • That God’s power will be revealed through the church in this situation – bringing a message of love and hope in the midst of the darkness.

  • The crisis in Ukraine is already leading to a significant rise in the price of food and fuel. It is likely that this will get worse. Economically poorer countries are disproportionately affected by shocks such as this. 

    • Pray that food and fuel prices will stabilise, and that provision will be made for countries in a vulnerable position. 
    • That diplomatic solutions will be found that will lead to lasting peace in the region.
    • That people who have fled will be able to return home, and that what has been destroyed will be rebuilt.
    • For strength for individuals and organisations in Ukraine, Russia and the region who are working for peace at local, national and regional levels. 

    Lord hear our prayers for those who sleep without eating in your world today.

    Intervene we pray in your world.

    May those of us whose souls are satisfied with Christ understand the part you have for us in reaching out in your compassion for those who go physically hungry in your world today.

    Build gratitude in our hearts for every blessing we do receive.

    And may those whose hunger gets relieved on the basis of your love understand that their Lord  is in Heaven, and that it is He Who intercedes at the throne of God for their daily needs to be met ... and rejoice.

    We ask for Jesus' sake and Glory.


    Here's the Videocam made during the recording of the sermon

    Finally, City Alight lead our joyful response to God's Word ...

    If you'd like to support the work of y GRWP by worshipping through giving, please click the Stewardship link below.

    But now Jude bids us to walk in the light of the Gospel we have received, as we head off into another week in the Lord's service:

    "you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 

    keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

         Be merciful to those who doubt; 

         save others by snatching them from the fire; 

         to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh."

    And so Jude carries us to the Doxology

    "To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and 

    to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 

    to the only God our Savior be 



         power and 


    through Jesus Christ our Lord, 

              before all ages, now and forevermore! 


    If you would like to get in touch this week please feel free to use my mobile: 07748644958.

    But please be aware that I have had problems with the SIM card and you might need to send a text or email until I get a new SIM card delivered ... it should be here by mid-week, they say(!) In any event, a bit of determination will get you there, no doubt.

    Pob bendith i chi gyd!

    God bless you all!

    Saturday, 16 July 2022

    DIY Sunday Service Kit 17/07/22 - 1 John 5:16-20

     Welcome to this week's DIY Sunday Service Kit with everything you need for worship at home.

    Here's a quick preview of the sermon, to whet your appetite.

    Let's prepare our hearts to worship the Lord

    Psalm 90 draws the people out to worship God like this:

    "Lord, you have been our dwelling place
                                                                                        throughout all generations.
    Before the mountains were born
        or you brought forth the whole world,
        from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

    Psalm 90:1-2

    And the band Sovereign Grace take us on through the thoughts in that psalm with their song 'From everlasting ...'

    The Word for the Week video this week is a bit 'herbal' ...

    Let's pray

    Sovereign Lord, in this uncertain and changing world we thank you today that we are able to come to speak personally with the unchanging and eternal God, Who anchors everything in His eternity and in His constancy of character and purpose.

    Draw our hearts out in awe and wonder we pray today at your constancy and loving care for your fragile people.

    We pray for Jesus' sake.


    Prayer points

    • Sri Lanka

    Today we pray for Sri Lanka which has been in the news recently with riots brought about by the rapidly rising cost of living and shortages of food and fuel.

    This situation has led to the very recent escape from the country and resignation of the President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and the situation is now unstable and uncertain.

    Tolerance and non-violence have historically been watchwords of Sri Lanka. For centuries, it was a Buddhist kingdom that welcomed refugees from India fleeing persecution – Hindus, Muslims and Christians. However, this multi-religious, multi-ethnic country now sees religious extremism and persecution rising.

    Seventy per cent of the population are said to be still Buddhist and 1.2% are said to be Evangelical. A recent attempt to bring in an anti-conversion bill in the country is in abeyance, but the proposed legislation has not been cancelled.

    Let's pray for Sri Lanka in its current troubles, for:

    • The establishment of a government that will act in the interests of the people to secure the provision of sufficient food and fuel for this developing economy at a price that its people can afford
    • The disarming of the spiritual powers and principalities that heavily influence a very religious society. Beneath the layers of Buddhism and Hinduism lie an ancient cocktail of spirits, gods and demons which are not at all good for the people's spiritual health.
    • The exposure of the realities underlying Buddhist extremism. 
      This has taken shape as a very ethnocentric Sinhalese response to Tamil intransigence and to waves of Christian “proselytism”.
      But it has also been used to polarize society, to unduly influence politics and the military, and to marginalize and suppress ethnic and religious minorities.
      Pray that such extremism might create disillusionment and generate interest in the gospel.
    • In particular we pray for Cristian leaders in Sri Lanka in these troubled times, particularly for Ajith Fernando who serves as Teaching Director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka after being National Director for 35 years. These days his main responsibilities in YFC are counselling, mentoring and teaching staff and volunteers. His grassroots ministry has been and is primarily with the urban poor but he mentors many Christian leaders across the land and helps them through the traumas that their ministries are engaged with in these troubled times.
    Lord in your mercy hear our prayers for Sri Lanka, for the new political leaders that it needs, for its good governance that its people and particularly its poor might be well-served and for the courage, faith, fortitude and wisdom of its Christian leaders. May your Word be applied powerfully to many hearts in Sri Lanka in these troubled times.

    • Iran
    Iran is currently embroiled in a crisis with the US and other Western countries over its nuclear programme. It has breached limits imposed under a 2015 international agreement that began to unravel after Mr Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, abandoned it in 2018 and reinstated crippling economic sanctions.

    Iran has been moving steadily closer to Russia and is now one of its few allies over the war in Ukraine.

    The U.S. said this week it has intelligence to suggest Iran plans to supply Russia with potentially hundreds of drones for its war in Ukraine, some with combat capabilities.

    Iran has reportedly said technological co-operation with Russia preceded the war, without confirming or denying the US claim.

    In terms of the tensions in the Middle East, Israel considers the Iranian nuclear programme to be its greatest threat, though Iran insists it is peaceful. On a trip to Israel this week, President Joe Biden pledged that the US is "prepared to use all elements of its national power" to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

    The spiritual situation in Iran is that the Islamic Revolution of 1979, led by Ayatollah Khomeini, created the world’s only Shiite Islamic theocracy and profoundly changed every aspect of life in Iran. 

    Today, however, many of those who committed their lives to Islam and Islamic rule are filled with despair. This disillusionment has opened new doors for the gospel, which is sweeping across the nation via Christian media and bold evangelists in Iran’s growing house church movements. 

    Nevertheless, the government continues its attempts to thwart this move of God. Christian leaders and pastors are often arrested, tortured and imprisoned, and their families are harassed. Some, left with no other options, choose to flee the country.

    It is illegal to own, print, import or distribute Bibles in Iran.

    Creative ways to give access to God's Word are proving successful, often using advanced Information Technology as well as broadcasting, and there are many accounts of the Lord speaking to Iranian people in dreams and bringing them to faith in spite of the lack of access to printed Bibles.

    Pray for Iran:

    • For the protection and the prospering of persecuted believers in the underground house churches
    • For the innovative ways being used to communicate the Gospel to be greatly used of God
    • For the rulers of Iran to seek and find security and greater prosperity in alliances with peaceful Allie on the international scene
    • For the peace of the Middle East and the security of the entire region

    • Westminster

    Finally, let's pray for the Conservative Party leadership contest at Westminster, about which we know a great deal already.

    • Pray for the right candidate to be found
    • Pray that this person will be able to unite not just the various wings of the party, but the country in going forward in righteousness and truthfulness 
    • That the new leader will renew the prizing of the values of discipline, integrity and compassion in public and private life
    • That in keeping with Proverbs 14:34, righteousness would once more exalt our nation and that the sin which is a reproach to any people would be rejected and repudiated by our people.

    Lord in your mercy, please hear our prayers for our troubled world, which we ask in Jesus' Name.


    Here's the studio cam from the recording of the sermon

    Now let's respond to God's Word by singing ...

    Let's conclude in prayer

    Father we thank you that you have fed our souls in worship and from your Word.

    We pray that in the course of the coming week we shall chew these things well, and renew our fellowship with you often so that we may be fed further, according to our needs as the week develops.

    Grant that we might know growth in grace and sense often the presence of your Holy Spirit, prompting us and helping us to walk in your ways and to serve you in the world the you have made.

    We ask for Jesus' sake and for His greater glory.


    If you would like to support the work of y GRWP by worshipping through giving please feel free to click the Stewardship link below and if you'd like to get in touch please email me or alternatively text or phone.

    07748 644958

    May the Lord bless you very richly this week!

    Saturday, 9 July 2022

    DIY Sunday Service Kit 10/07/2022 - Prayer works (but ...) & How do you deal with weeds in the crop? And of course, there's lots more ...


    Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for y GRWP on Sunday 10th. July 2022.

    I was away last week on a training course but this week the Word for the Week continues out in the fields with a look at Matthew 13:24-30.

    We are nearing the end of our series of Bible expositions in 1 John and this week we get to 1 John 5:13-15 as we tackle the issue of whether prayer works.

    Here's a quick teaser for that ... 👇

    Let's pray

    Lord and Father we thank you for your kindness and goodness in welcoming us into your presence today ... not because we deserve to meet with you but because you have made this possible for us through the death on the Cross of your one and only Son.

        Teach us, we pray, what a privilege this is.

        Give us great enthusiasm in seeking you out.

        Lead us gladly and willingly into your Way, which is the way that leads to life.

    We pray for Jesus' sake.


    Here comes the Word for the Week

    Prayer Points

    For our nation

    • We pray for our Government, for our Queen and the Royal family, for the Cabinet which is in a state of flux, for the members of the two houses of Parliament which are in a state of dispute and disagreement with a need for clear political leadership.
      We pray for the Cabinet, which appears now to be unable to pursue a clear direction due to the events of the last week and the resignation of the Prime Minister.
      We pray that no national crises arise at this time of political disruption and that you would ensure we continue to be rightly and justly governed through these slightly difficult times.
      Would you, good Lord deliver us and restore to us good, fair and efficient government in good time.

      We pray too for our Welsh Government, for sound, calm and clear thinking to prevail as changes in the way that it works and the powers that it has have been proposed.
      Would you Lord please address the particular political ad economic situation in Wales so that the social situation and the needs of our people will be well and wisely addressed.


    • As the cost of living crisis bites for many and as further fuel price rises are expected, would you Lord please intervene in the affairs of our national economy.
      As frustrations boil over int strikes and protests, would you Lord please restore a just and fair distribution of costs and benefits in our society.
    • As wars and unrest disturb trade, supply lines and economies around the world, would you Lord put us in our Land in a position both to trade to profit and generate wealth to help and support those who are less fortunate around this world.
    • In particular we pray for those in Ukraine whose economy is under such pressure and for those in the developing world who are suffering and expect to suffer more because Ukrainian grain shipments cannot reach their shores.


    As COVID infection rates rise at the rate of about 30% a week
    As hospital admissions continue to rise
    As we continue to learn fresh things about how easy it is to catch the latest new variants, we pray:
    • For doctors, nurses and all health care workers in our NHS
    • For all front line members of the emergency services and their supporting volunteer organisations in the front lines as infections rise
    • For those who are extremely clinically vulnerable, those whose jobs are at risk for reasons associated with the impact of COVID, those who make strategic decisions in response to the spread of the disease ...

      Would you Lord please have mercy on your people and relieve the pressure of this disease on our people.

      Would you Lord please act to inhibit the spread of 'flu which is expected to be more of a problem this year than last year, and the spread of Monkey Pox ... which we hear of but is as yet something of an unknown quantity.

    For ourselves 

    • Please remember Alex in your prayers as his father - a clear Christin man - passed into Glory on Friday morning. It's early days and we don't have much more on this at the time of writing but I am sure Alex would value our support in prayer. This was an unexpected passing and I'm sure would be quite a shock.
    • Please pray for the y GRWP Trustees' Meeting which is to take place over ZOOM on Wednesday of this week. 
      Being a trustee is not a glamorous business and these are busy people who are giving their time to make sure everything is done properly in y GRWP to do with money, the direction we take and the legalities of everything we do.

    • Please continue to pray for Rob Morse, the minister of Pantycelyn Memorial Chapel in Llandovery who is continuing to recover from time spent in hospital.

    We thank you Lord for the measure of confidence that you give us to come to you with the concerns and the needs that we feel on our hearts.

    Please hear from your throne in Heaven and act to deliver your people.

    We pray for Jesus' sake.


    Let's read the Bible

    Here's the sermon audio file (click the image)

    Here's the link to the sermon studiocam

    We respond to God's Word in this thoughtful new song of confident assurance to close with ...

    Let's pray

    Psalm 34 says:

    "Glorify the Lord with me;

        let us exalt his name together.

    I sought the Lord, and he answered me;

        he delivered me from all my fears.

    Those who look to him are radiant;
        their faces are never covered with shame.

    This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
        he saved him out of all his troubles.

    The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
        and he delivers them.

    Taste and see that the Lord is good;

        blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."

    Take us into the coming week, Lord, we pray in the confident assurance of those whose trust is authentically in their God.

    Lead us into the joy of your presence, which is the birthright of all your children, and build in us confidence in your prevailing love towards us, come what may.

    We ask for Jesus' sake.


    Thanks for being here with us today.

    If we can be of help please feel free to reach out to us by email ( or by phone or text (07748644958)

    If you would like to support y GRWP, please feel free to do so using the link from the Stewardship graphic below.

    Until next time ... 

    God bless you - pob bendith!


    DIY Sunday Service Kit - 09/06/24 - Tell His Story - 2. The Fall, Genesis 3

      Hello and WELCOME to the DIY Sunday Service Kit. I've been away for half of this week at the Bala Ministers Conference (see the Word f...