Saturday 4 May 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit 05/05/24 - Introducing the Son to secularity in Wales 1 Corinthians 8:4- & Galatians 4:8

Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for May 5th. 2024.

 We begin our worship this week with verses on Psalm 90

Let's focus our thoughts and prayers using the Seven Day Prayer calendar, from Justin Long

Day 1 

We pray for an end to the war in Gaza, the release of the remaining hostages, and for justice and peace to be achieved. We are thankful for the aid that is even now flowing into Gaza and pray for the protection of Kingdom workers in the area. As with natural disasters, there will be a time after the war when the situation must be stabilized, and then a longer term reconstruction in the area. One new report estimates it will take 80 years (e.g. into 2100 and beyond) to fully rebuild what has been destroyed. 

Day 2 

We pray for the believers in the Israel-Palestine area, many of whom are Palestinians. They live in a difficult context: a tangled web of nationalism, religious fundamentalism, inter-Palestinian violence, and the like. We pray for the Kingdom to expand amongst both Palestinians and Israelis in the midst of this ongoing work (Romans 8:28, “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him…”)

Day 3 

We pray once again for the end of the war in Sudan. We pray especially for the delivrance of the millions who live in Darfur, who are at risk of genocide if the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) takes control. We pray for the many young, inexperienced doctors, some of whom are learning war medicine via smart phones. We pray for the miracle of favor for humanitarian aid organizations to be able to enter and help suffering people. We pray for the protection of Kingdom work in the area, and for the many who are laboring to be a blessing to the refugees from the war.

Day 4

We pray for the daughters of poor families in Niger, many of whom in the present crisis are being married off as children. In Niger, two-thirds of girls are married before age 18, and 28% before age 15 (some are around age 10). We pray for kingdom workers who can bring development projects that will help families out of such poverty-stricken situations. (Honestly, it’s hard for me to know what sort of prayer to write here. Niger is caught in a complex situation of poverty, poor governance, and local insurgent violence that entraps many families with little way out and no short-term solutions in sight. Yet as a father, my heart breaks when reading this particular story. So we beseech the Lord who said “Let the little children come to me” and “defend the vulnerable”  for his compassion, justice and deliverance for these precious souls.)

Day 5 

We pray for Christians who are moving with migration flows, some as part of a particular ministry plan. Walls are going up in some places (ex. Iran vs Afghanistan, and India vs Myanmar). In other places, governments are asking for migrants to come (Afghanistan and Japan, for example, both want tourists). We pray for those training migrant workers to be disciplemakers in new locations (Isaiah 52:7). And we pray for favor for migrant workers who might bring the Gospel in (Psalm 24:7).

Day 6 

We pray for the Somali people who are suffering from the effects of ongoing conflict, famine, and drought. We ask God to use the church to bring provision, healing and comfort, especially to the Somali refugees. (Psalm 107:20-21, “he rescued them from the grave; let them give thanks to the Lord”)

Day 7

 Pray for an end to the war in Myanmar, which continues in a semi-stalemate state. The government is now banning men going abroad as migrant workers, to try to crack down on draft-dodgers. Pray for the kingdom workers who are laboring in Myanmar in the midst of this, to find ways to be a blessing to the people in the midst of the instability and violence.

Here's our Bible reading for this week in Galatians 3-4

The Deep-Dive this week takes us back to 1 Corinthians to look at who Jesus is ...




For more on reaching primal religion cultures click HERE

Let's pray

We thank you Lord and Father for the clarity of understanding you give us through your Word to interpret ad understand the things we see of your world.

Give us eyes that are opened and minds that are enlightened by your Holy Spirit as we read about or God in your Word.

And as we understand you ad your plans for you better, may we love you with hearts that are more loyal and more faithful to the One Who has made us, and loved us, and saved us for His Glory.

We ask for your Name's sake.


Saturday 27 April 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit - Introducing the Father to Secularity in rural Wales - Ecclesiastes 3:11 and 1 Corinthians 8


Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit
for 28th. April 2024

We begin here today with a Psalm ... Psalm 100

Let's pray

Lord and loving Heavenly Father we thank you for every opportunity to quieten our minds and hearts and focus our thoughts on you.

Help us to live consciously in your presence, beholding our God with ever-increasing awe and wonder, and draw us daily closer to your hearts we progress towards your Kingdom in Glory.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Here's this week's Prayer Calendar from Justin Long

 On behalf of all Sudan, we pray to the Prince of Peace, “Please, Lord, make it stop.” The conflict is being fueled by surrounding powers and international arms providers. (AP). More and more weapons are pouring in, while millions are pouring out and are on the verge of starvation. This week, more conflict broke out in North Darfur, leading to 40,000 expelled from their homes and whole communities burned to the ground. There are reports of genocide against “non-Arab groups” in Darfur (Middle East Eye). Believers are boldly trying to spread the kingdom, yet much suffering is being endured. It seems impossible that it will end any time soon, absent a miracle—and so it is for the miraculous that we pray. At the same time, we pray for the believers and the kingdom workers: for the Lord to be their Good Shepherd, guiding them through the dark valleys of this time and providing the table they need.

2 We pray for the suffering, distressed and hungry in Tigray. Hunger and insecurity continues to spread. New clashes at the border of Tigray and Amhara have caused 50,000 to be displaced (News24). Many in the region face acute malnutrition. We pray for the Kingdom workers in the region who are trying to be of help.

3 We pray for the more than 1 million displaced in northern Nigeria as a result of the violence in that region. The government has decided that since the IDP camps are rife with problems, it is best to close the camps (NewHum)—but where will the refugees go? Few feel like they can safely return home, so they find themselves fleeing once again. Pray for kingdom workers who are laboring in the region, despite the significant dangers entailed.

4 We pray for the women of Iran. The government has rolled out a new, severe enforcement of the hijab rules (Guardian). The stories of women arrested, beaten, abused, threatened, jailed are heartbreaking. A substantial percentage of the population have grown very disillusioned with the Iranian government and the version of Islam it promotes, and have turned away from Islam. Pray that even more find Jesus. We are thankful that the church is growing in Iran—one of the fastest growth rates in the world!—and yet so many more need to hear. Pray for the kingdom workers laboring boldly to reach Persians with the good news of Christ’s love. One interesting item: due to the rapprochement, over 90,000 Iranian pilgrims will likely participate in the hajj this year. Pray these spiritually hungry people will find Jesus during this time, whether through dreams & visions or encounters with believers along the way (Middle East Monitor)

5 Pray for the believers and kingdom workers in India, who labor even in the midst of a massive rise in Hindu nationalism there. A new article talks about the “messianic spell” of Modi’s cult of personality, which “enables the BJP to project him as one beyond scrutiny” (Guardian). Pray for the current election behind held in India, and pray especially for the protection and wisdom of workers laboring amongst Muslims in India. Pray for the continued spread of Kingdom disciples especially in the north, where “graveyards have become vineyards.”

6 Pray for those who are reaching out to Chinese diaspora around the world. Nearly 40,000 came to the USA alone in 2023 (NBC). Many thousands of Chinese are going to other places as well. Many of these are seeking a life outside of the control of China and its ideology, and are open to spiritual conversations. Pray for believers to welcome, befriend, be a blessing to, and have conversations with these families.

7 Pray for an end to the war in Myanmar. The “devastating, yearslong civil war is heating up, though it isn’t attracting international notice… but it threatens to break apart the country of 55 million people” (NYT). Many young men are doing whatever they can to avoid the draft. Many refugees are spilling over into Thailand, and the Thai government is taking a strong stance against Myanmar. Pray for the kingdom workers who are laboring in Myanmar in the midst of this, to find ways to be a blessing to the people in the midst of the instability and violence.

Click the link below for this week's Bible reading

Our Bible ministry is available in video, audio and print format. Please click the appropriate links below




Let's pray

Father please refresh our vision of the One True Living God this week as we walk with you.

Embolden us to stand for you and to communicate the truth about the God Who has revealed all we need to know to bring us to life and to form us in godliness.

We thank you that you haven't abandoned us to the impossible task of working out life for ourselves. Draw us close to you in understanding, and lead us forward in the light of your Word.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Saturday 20 April 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 21/04/24 - Dealing with the days when we KNOW we have missed the mark - Luke 18:9-14


Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for today, 21st. April 2024.

Let's worship the Lord.

Let's pray

Here's the Seven Day Prayer Calendar from Justin Long

Let's pray

We are thankful for the current cessation in warfare in Gaza. We pray for the safe, rapid, and effective distribution of food and medical aid to the residents affected by the region. We pray for the rapid release of the remaining hostages, for the families on both sides of the war who have been deeply traumatized by the violence, and for the safety and bold labor of Kingdom workers in the region. Lets indeed pray for a complete end to the wars in the region, and for leaders to walk a path that “does justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly with our God.” We pray for the many people who could be involved in the reconstruction of Gaza - including Kingdom workers.

… We also are thankful the Iranian reprisal today (expected, in the wake of the assassination of the IRGC commanders) was less damaging than it might have been. Pray restraint will be exercised and the violence will not widen in spirals of reprisal, and for the families affected by the strike.

2 We are thankful for the delivery of food aid into Darfur and pray that more aid, relief, medical work and peacemaking will be allowed. We pray for an end to the war in Sudan. We pray for aid agencies, organizations, foundations, national governments, and Kingdom workers to have their “hearts turned” to mercy and charity toward the millions who are displaced, for whom so little is presently being done. We pray for more donors to support aid work among the displaced. We pray for the many families who have not heard from their loved ones in Sudan, and do not know whether they are still alive. We pray for the children of Sudan, who form “Generation War”: “millions are starving, have been forced into marriage or become child soldiers and threatened with death.”

3 We pray for the hundreds of thousands in Nigerian displacement camps, who “struggle to put food on the table.” They are from northwest Nigeria, a “hotbed of criminal activity for close to a decade now”: raiding, looting, mass killings, and kidnap-for-ransom enterprises. Pray for kingdom workers in the region, and for an end to the violence and the development of the economies. “We are getting [food aid now, for Ramadan]… but what happens once Ramadan is over?” Pray especially for the children, who have been traumatized by war (What does war do to a boy?).

4 We pray or the hundreds of thousands of Afghanis who have been forced out of Iran and Pakistan, back into Afghanistan (see NYT photoessay). Upon their return, they have no homes, no jobs, and little to no aid. We pray for aid workers to be allowed to help them, and for innovative Kingdom work that will be a blessing to the poorest of the poor.

5 We pray for the many Central Asians at risk in Russia in the wake of the concert attack. Several Tajiks were arrested in connection with the attack, and migrants from Central Asia are facing significant increases in harassment and attacks: “beatings, property destruction, hooliganism, acts of harassment.” Over a million Central Asians (among them, believers and Kingdom workers) have migrated to Russia for work, and their remittances to their families form a large minority of the GDP of the Central Asian states. Pray for believers to be bold to stand up for and be a blessing to these migrant workers.

6 We pray for believers in Vietnam, where new religious decrees are burdening local churches (CT). The decrees are allegedly supposed to “increase religious liberty” and “increase financial transparency” but in fact give the government more oversight and control, and burden churches with new reporting requirements. Pray for the churches and the believers as they strive to be obedient to God and to negotiate their way forward in this environment.

7 Pray for believers in Malaysia in the midst of rising religious conservatism (CNN). Especially during Ramadan, religious policing was ramped up and even non-Muslims could run afoul of the increased enforcement. “As long as you look Malay, you must fast during Ramadan - those are the rules,” said one person. The rise in religious conservatism and enforcement has led to heightened tensions. Pray for believers to stand firm in their faith, yet have wisdom and discernment in the environment.

Click the pic for today's reading from God's Word

As we sing today's psalm, let's ask for the Holy Spirit's help that we might see Jesus with fresh eyes when we come to take a deep-dive into God's Word together

Our Deep-Dive into Scripture is available here now in two formats:

                    Video (with subtitles)



Let's reflect our reliance on God's mercy as we sing ...

Let's pray

We thank you Lord and Father that you feed our souls and enlighten our lives as we open your Word.

Remind us often of its wisdom and inspire us by your Holy Spirit to worship you with our words and in our lives as we put into practice what we have heard.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Thanks for being with us as we worshipped today

If you would like to help support our ongoing work, please click the graphic below to go to our secure online giving link.

Saturday 13 April 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit 14/04/24 - The Walking that is GOOD for you


Hello, and welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for April 14th., 2024!

Did you miss us last week?

Well, we're back and there are a few changes and fresh developments in what we have to offer here today ... see if you can spot them, and once you've watched the short video Deep-Dive this week, please take just a moment to click the pic and answer the one-question, three option poll the will help us develop fresh plans to grow our Bible time. Thanks!

We begin our worship today with this new song published just this week - from Sovereign Grace Music ...

Our prayer pointers today come once more from Justin Long


We pray for all of those impacted by the ongoing war in Gaza.

  • We are praying for the families of the 196 aid workers who have been killed in the war. Bringing help and healing to those suffering in the midst of violence is a tremendously risky endeavor, and while we are inspired by their boldness, we are sad for the loss, and pray for those who are grieving.

  • We pray for those who continue to risk their lives to try and help the hurting, and for the stress their families feel. We pray for the Spirit to give them wisdom and discernment for their daily actions, as well as courage and protection.

  • We continue to pray for an end to the war and a just resolution. We pray that more aid corridors would be opened and aid workers would be able to operate with a greater measure of safety.


We pray for the children of Kenya. A heart-wrenching article in Kenya’s Standard Media is entitled, “Children no one wants as clock ticks to phase out orphanages.” Under the National Care Reform Strategy, Kenya is essentially moving away from orphanages - but for many children in orphanages, it’s proving difficult to trace their families and get them into family based care. This is especially so when the child is in some ways disabled. We pray for the children, and for ministries of the church that could help. In our prayers, let’s remember Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me… The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


We pray for the thousands displaced and traumatized in the 15-year fight against Boko Haram. “The fight against Boko Haram leaves a trail of ruin and ashes” tells the story of those who live in and around North Nigeria. The war against Boko Haram has resulted in over 350,000 deaths, and the destruction of numerous villages burnt to the ground. The voice of one: “‘Nothing feels normal anymore,’ she said, not after watching soldiers swoop into your community and kill your loved ones. But then she added, ‘God had destined it to happen. Even if it is not okay, it is okay since it is God’s doing.’” We pray for peace, a just resolution, and for healing for the traumatized. We pray for the many Kingdom-multiplying ministries working in the region, in the midst of many dangers. Most of all we pray for the truth of God’s character and his love for people like Zara to be revealed to them.


We pray for the secret believers in Iran. The BBC has a short piece on “The Christians celebrating Easter in secret.” “‘We meet in small groups and each time in different places,’ Tina says. ‘It could be in the home of one of our members or sometimes even in a park or in a car while driving. It's safer if each group knows as little as possible about the others, so if one group encounters problems, the rest aren't implicated.’” Another reports that when he was first arrested, 3-year sentences were common; now, 10 to 15 year sentences are. Nevertheless, there is a continued strong trend: many Iranians are disillusioned with Islam and are leaving their beliefs. The larger share of these are secularizing, but a certain percentage are becoming Christians. Many who come to the West are spiritually hungry to learn about Jesus. Pray for secret believers to be steadfast in their faith, and to have opportunities to share the Truth with their family and friends, and that the number of Jesus followers in Iran would continue to grow.


We pray for the families that were impacted by the earthquake in Taiwan. The 7.5 quake saw 9 killed and 900 injured—while tragic, it could have been far worse. We express gratitude that the toll was that low, and pray that many mission agencies, denominations, and Kingdom workers will use the opportunity as a reminder to prepare for worse disasters in least-reached regions. Similar magnitude earthquakes in Pakistan and Turkey both killed in the 10s of thousands, and it is not uncommon for such quakes to occur in any given year.


South Korea is exploring how foreign students and foreign spouses can take jobs as domestic helpers for South Korean families (Korea Herald). People in similar sorts of positions in the Middle East have brought the Gospel to Gulf states; might there be a Kingdom opportunity in Korea? Pray that God would give Kingdom workers discernment, innovation, and a willingness to serve children and families. Also, let’s take a moment to pray for the many Kingdom workers who are steadfastly and patiently waiting, in the South, for the border to the North to open—who are praying for the Gospel to flood into the North in a miraculous way.


Social norms are being stressed in Malaysia and Indonesia around religious lines. A five part series on political Islam in CNA is highlighting how Christians are feeling the sting of pressure and persecution. “Her case is an example of how increasing restrictions in the name of religion are upheaving social norms and liberties.” Pray for Christians who must experience daily life in the midst of social pressure. Pray for believers to be discerning and wise yet bold in their witness, and as in Iran, steadfast in their faithful devotion and obedience to Jesus.

Click this link for this week's Bible reading

Our Psalm today is Psalm 90

Our Deep-Dive into Scripture is here ...



So, we tried something a bit different with the Deep-Dive this week ... just giving it a try ... would you take a moment to click the pic below and choose just one of the three options in the poll there? 
Thanks so much!

Let's pray

Father we thank you that your have provided for us through your Son the Lord Jesus Christ the path to life that restores Eden's fellowship with you to those who trust in you.

Lead us into the way of walking with you.

Hold us in the relationship with you that the gift of your Holy Spirit brings.

And bring us, safe following you, at last to your glorious Heavenly home.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Saturday 30 March 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 31/02/24 Easter - 1 Thessalonians 1:5- 2:19 - Ian Parry


Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for Easter Sunday, 31st. March 2024!

Ian Parry, who is our longest serving Trustee, preached at our The Call to the Hills Conference 2024 and his ministry on that day comes to us here in the Deep-Dive portion of our service today.

We celebrate Easter ... the great, historical event of the Christian faith ... in a world where in many places the Christian faith gets treated with great contempt.

Our 'Word for the Week' this week sees Glen Scrivener from 'Speak Life' first showing us the sort of things influential people in our world say against the Christian faith, and then Glen responds to that in a poetic performance ... a 'spoken word' ... in affirmation of our Easter faith, and he does it all in  just three minutes!

(Click the pic.)

Let's pray

Lord and Father we thank you today of all days for the truth of your Word which teaches us the love of our Heavenly Father, who sent His only Son to be the Saviour of the world.

And we thank you especially today when we are able to say that you didn't just send Him but that you sent Him for 'ME'.

Deepen our understanding of that love and of the privilege it is to have been shown it, and affirm and re-vitalise our trust in Him today who has conquered death and seals our hope of eternal Glory.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Our 7-day prayer calendar comes to us again this Easter Sunday 

through the ministry of Justin Long


This week, we pray again for those enduring the horrors in Sudan. A new article published in the Guardian tells the story of “Darfur’s unfolding dystopian nightmare… and concerns the RSF… remain intent on completing the genocide against the Masalit community… accounts describe a region sealed off with innumerable checkpoints and roving kill squads.” It also tells of how international aid to the refugees in Chad has collapsed. The camps there hold more than a million people, and the UN’s refugee agency has received just 4% of the funding required. Pray for kingdom workers who will respond in significant numbers and with significant resources to the many refugees both in all the surrounding countries (esp. Chad). Pray for the Sudanese stuck inside the country. Pray for voices outside to move international governments to respond to the refugee crisis (Jeremiah 22:3—”Be fair-minded and just! Do what is right! Help those who have been robbed, rescue them from their oppressors”).


Use New Humanitarian’s Yemen Listening Project to pray for the people of Yemen. Each small story is a testimony to what a specific individual has gone through. Why not read through or listen through to two or three (or more) of these stories, praying for the individual in question as well last the many Yemenis who have gone through similar life situations.

… for example, consider this, very brief, from SAM (age 55): “My home was destroyed in the war. Now I live in other people’s homes, moving from one place to another. I have no relatives. I am alone.” Pray that she meets both Jesus (Psalm 34:18—the Lord is close to the broken-hearted), who will never leave her nor forsake her, and kingdom workers who will be a blessing to her.


Pray for Indian women during the well known Indian festival of Holi. While the many colors make for vibrant articles about ‘fun’ India, less talked about is that Holi’s fun is often used as an excuse for the harassment of women. “Holi each year is an exercise in hiding for 43-year-old Meenakshi Iyer,” writes the Straits Times. Pray for the safety of India’s women and girls (1 Timothy 5:2—treat older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters), and for kingdom workers and church members who will help protect those who would otherwise be harassed and abused (Psalm 82:4, “Rescue the week and the needy, deliver them from the hand of the wicked”).


Praise God with us for the passion of secret believers in Pakistan for sharing the Gospel. This article from Release International is only one of any number of anecdotal stories about this trend: “Shezhad was a passionate Islamic preacher when he had a dream in which Jesus appeared to him…” While reading his story, pray for him and the many other Pakistani believers who are diligently spreading the Gospel in their land. This is no small trend. Let’s pray John 4:35: the fields are ripe for harvest, so ask God to send yet more labourers out.


Pray for the many Central Asians in Russia who are enduring a backlash against migrants after the terrible attack. Over 3 million migrant workers - many Central Asians - labor away in Russia. Pray for the many believers among them, and for those who are spiritually hungry to find kingdom workers who will share Jesus with them. Pray for peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) who will be a blessing to Central Asians.


Pray for the thousands who are being caught up in cyber scam centers in Southeast Asia. Organized crime rings have fueled an “explosion” of human trafficking into cyber scam centers, in order to diversify their activities away from drug trafficking. The UN estimates in the last year more than 100,000 people have been trafficked into centers in Cambodia. Pray for justice to be done, and these thousands to be freed (Isaiah 61—God’s heart is to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners).


Continue to pray for the election in India. It will stretch over 44 days (Diplomat). Opposition leaders are being jailed, and their accounts frozen. Tensions between India and China over the border have been rising. The rise in religious intolerance (with mob violence) has been intensifying. Pray for peace, and for the protection of workers during this time.

Click the Bible below to be taken to our first reading

Our Deep-Dive into Scripture (with sub-titles) today comes from our conference, the preacher being Ian Parry, 

and it follows our second Scripture reading by Mij Thomas (click the pic.)

Let's take this opportunity to rejoice in this Gospel we've been given ... as we sing

Let's pray

Lord in the every day things of our lives in this coming post-Easter week, may our eyes be opened afrtesh to you.

As we break bread and give thanks for our food at each meal this week, may we recognise you as you stand in our presence.

As we read your Word this week may we find you opening the Scriptures to us.

And may our hearts burn within us as we meet with you as we walk along life's way.

We ask that you would make us people who live out in our experience your resurrection, for Jesus's sake and Glory.


DIY Sunday Service Kit 05/05/24 - Introducing the Son to secularity in Wales 1 Corinthians 8:4- & Galatians 4:8

Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for May 5th. 2024.  We begin our worship this week with verses on Psalm 90 Let's focus our thought...