Saturday, 4 May 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit 05/05/24 - Introducing the Son to secularity in Wales 1 Corinthians 8:4- & Galatians 4:8

Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for May 5th. 2024.

 We begin our worship this week with verses on Psalm 90

Let's focus our thoughts and prayers using the Seven Day Prayer calendar, from Justin Long

Day 1 

We pray for an end to the war in Gaza, the release of the remaining hostages, and for justice and peace to be achieved. We are thankful for the aid that is even now flowing into Gaza and pray for the protection of Kingdom workers in the area. As with natural disasters, there will be a time after the war when the situation must be stabilized, and then a longer term reconstruction in the area. One new report estimates it will take 80 years (e.g. into 2100 and beyond) to fully rebuild what has been destroyed. 

Day 2 

We pray for the believers in the Israel-Palestine area, many of whom are Palestinians. They live in a difficult context: a tangled web of nationalism, religious fundamentalism, inter-Palestinian violence, and the like. We pray for the Kingdom to expand amongst both Palestinians and Israelis in the midst of this ongoing work (Romans 8:28, “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him…”)

Day 3 

We pray once again for the end of the war in Sudan. We pray especially for the delivrance of the millions who live in Darfur, who are at risk of genocide if the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) takes control. We pray for the many young, inexperienced doctors, some of whom are learning war medicine via smart phones. We pray for the miracle of favor for humanitarian aid organizations to be able to enter and help suffering people. We pray for the protection of Kingdom work in the area, and for the many who are laboring to be a blessing to the refugees from the war.

Day 4

We pray for the daughters of poor families in Niger, many of whom in the present crisis are being married off as children. In Niger, two-thirds of girls are married before age 18, and 28% before age 15 (some are around age 10). We pray for kingdom workers who can bring development projects that will help families out of such poverty-stricken situations. (Honestly, it’s hard for me to know what sort of prayer to write here. Niger is caught in a complex situation of poverty, poor governance, and local insurgent violence that entraps many families with little way out and no short-term solutions in sight. Yet as a father, my heart breaks when reading this particular story. So we beseech the Lord who said “Let the little children come to me” and “defend the vulnerable”  for his compassion, justice and deliverance for these precious souls.)

Day 5 

We pray for Christians who are moving with migration flows, some as part of a particular ministry plan. Walls are going up in some places (ex. Iran vs Afghanistan, and India vs Myanmar). In other places, governments are asking for migrants to come (Afghanistan and Japan, for example, both want tourists). We pray for those training migrant workers to be disciplemakers in new locations (Isaiah 52:7). And we pray for favor for migrant workers who might bring the Gospel in (Psalm 24:7).

Day 6 

We pray for the Somali people who are suffering from the effects of ongoing conflict, famine, and drought. We ask God to use the church to bring provision, healing and comfort, especially to the Somali refugees. (Psalm 107:20-21, “he rescued them from the grave; let them give thanks to the Lord”)

Day 7

 Pray for an end to the war in Myanmar, which continues in a semi-stalemate state. The government is now banning men going abroad as migrant workers, to try to crack down on draft-dodgers. Pray for the kingdom workers who are laboring in Myanmar in the midst of this, to find ways to be a blessing to the people in the midst of the instability and violence.

Here's our Bible reading for this week in Galatians 3-4

The Deep-Dive this week takes us back to 1 Corinthians to look at who Jesus is ...




For more on reaching primal religion cultures click HERE

Let's pray

We thank you Lord and Father for the clarity of understanding you give us through your Word to interpret ad understand the things we see of your world.

Give us eyes that are opened and minds that are enlightened by your Holy Spirit as we read about or God in your Word.

And as we understand you ad your plans for you better, may we love you with hearts that are more loyal and more faithful to the One Who has made us, and loved us, and saved us for His Glory.

We ask for your Name's sake.


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