Saturday, 23 September 2023

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 24/09/2023


This week we are in a face-to-face worship setting with long time supporters of our work from Newport. There's a whole service there led by Peter Harris who leads UCCF Cymru, the organisation that supports the university Christian Unions in Wales. When he was a student himself, Peter used to travel up from cardiff every Friday night to help with the youth club we used to run in Llansawel.
The sermon (on 1 Corinthians 2) starts at about 35 minutes into the video.

Simon is preaching away in Bosnia-Herzegovina next week so there won't be a DIY Sunday Service Kit next week.

The following week we hope to return to normal.

We will still be able to communicate over the internet by email and by WhatsApp but please don't try to phone or text ... it would be costly!

If you would like to continue to support the work and worship with your giving, please click on the offering bag below to be taken to our giving page.

This week's Seven Day Prayer Calendar is here:

1. for the safe release of the 18 aid workers with the International Assistance Mission, who were detained in Afghanistan. Most of them are reportedly Afghanis, and therefore could face far harsher consequences.

2. for the future of Libya. It’s possible (even likely) over 20,000 were lost in the recent, terrible flooding in Derna. Reconstruction will be difficult, especially in the context of political division and violence Libya continues to find itself in. However, there are also indications compassionate work, aid, and relief is traveling across the various political lines—although active work in and around Derna is very difficult, due to the security situation. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones, for the workers who are trying to be a blessing, and for Libya to finally be at peace.

3. for the future of Somalia. The fighting has continued and intensified. Many teams have had to withdraw and concentrate their effort on refugees outside the country. Absent an unlooked for change in the conflict, the only two routes to the war’s end are a cruel, grinding conflict (a prolonged stalemate), or international intervention (which is unlikely). Sudan now has the highest number of internally displaced people (5.25 million) of any country in the world. Pray for the workers laboring among the refugees.

4. for innovative access to and ministry in Saudi Arabia. Changes in the kingdom are leading to significant new openness to the world. Tourist visas, pilgrimages, and new business openings are bringing more outsiders in. Pray these openings will be widely but wisely embraced by Kingdom workers.

5. for the people of Iran, and the future of the nation. The government has passing new laws, especially with respect to women; many in Iran are miserable and seeking to move abroad. The church is growing rapidly amongst Persians, both inside the country and outside. Pray for workers who risk their lives to bring the Gospel inside the country, and for workers who labor among the Persian diaspora.

5a. for possibly new door-openings in China. A new article says Beijing is easing the visa application process, desiring to attract foreign visitors. Pray that this will lead to more possibilities for the Kingdom to enter the country.

6. Praise God for the growth of the Kingdom amongst the Lisu people. A new article in Christianity Today detailed “how the Grand Canyon of China became a Christian land.” Some of these believers are having a direct impact on the unreached, in places that Westerners could not reach on a sustained basis. Pray for more workers for the harvest from peoples like the Lisu.

7. for the growth of the Kingdom in South Korea. The nation is aging—see this article about Korea’s Senior Subway Riders (“some retired people spend their days riding the trains to the end of the line”). And, a third of Korea’s households are made up of single people (Korea Herald: many men in their 30s, many women in their 70s). These two articles, alone, point to an incredible isolation. Pray for wisdom for Kingdom workers to be able to bring the good news of the Gospel into so many different, disaparate, disconnected lives, and for gatherings into communities of ekklesia to become possible.

(Thanks for this are due to Justin Long)

Sunday, 10 September 2023

DIY Sunday Service Kit for International Suicide Prevention Day - 2 Corinthians 1:8-11

Trigger warning 

This aims to be a positive, hopeful look at what we can do to help with a common but distressing issue in our society, but if this is not safe space for you please do not proceed.
You are very welcome to make contact personally with us.

Welcome to this DIY Sunday Service Kit which coincides with World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 (10/09/2023)

Some of us have to love the worship songs written and performed by 20 Schemes Music's 'Hymns in Hard Places' project. They are born out of the hard experiences of life in high density housing in inner urban Scotland, and they are both realistic and hopeful ... which makes the usefully inspirational for us during tough times.

Our first song today from them is a great example of this. Let's sing ...

Lord and Father we thank you for the hope held out in your Word for people going through tough times and for the examples it gives us of people who have turned to you in their troubles and been delivered from them.

Help us both to find strength in you and to be made available through you to those around us who are currently finding the way hard and difficult, hear our prayers and make us useful to you and to the people around us.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Pakistan - persecution

In a distressing incident that unfolded on the night of September 6th, the Christian community in Tandlianwala, District Faisalabad, was compelled to evacuate their homes due to imminent threats from a portion of the Muslim population.

The catalyst for this alarming situation was an ex-Christian woman who threatened the community, stating that she would accuse them of blasphemy if they opposed her amoral activities that compromised the Christian values of the residents.


The police have arrested the woman and ensured the protection of the community against any impending danger of Muslims attacking the Christian community.

Morocco - earthquake

At the time this was published the scale of the recent natural disaster in Morocco is still unfolding, but the BBC was reporting 2,000 dead and many more injured in the tragedy.

Hospitals in Marrakesh have seen an influx of injured people, and the authorities have called on residents to donate blood. 

Morocco's interior ministry said the earthquake killed people in the provinces and municipalities of al-Haouz, Marrakesh, Ouarzazate, Azilal, Chichaoua and Taroudant

There are international (ex-pat) churches in Marrakesh - at least two worshipping in English and one in French.

But in the current social climate in Morocco, nationals openly celebrating a Christian holiday or festival, establishing a Christian group, or even praying openly would be problematic.

Reports indicate that there is nonetheless a growing number of Moroccans converting to Christianity. Agadir and Marrakech, in particular, have fairly significant Christian populations. 

But due to restrictions on entering churches and the personal ramifications of being known to be a Christian, Moroccan Christians commonly worship privately or at clandestine meetings in nondescript buildings, usually a private home. Small groups may come together in apartments to pray, sing hymns, study the Bible, and discuss various religious and social matters. There is often a reluctance to worship alongside non-Moroccans for fear of causing trouble for the other person; if the authorities believe that associated individuals encouraged the conversion, they can be prosecuted.

In the past, police regularly raided places that were thought to be secret places of worship for Moroccan Christians. This is less common today. Groups of Christians in Morocco are starting to hold discussions regarding their religious freedom with the National Council of Human Rights.

How this difficult situation will affect believers in their desire to bring help to those trouble due to this earthquake is unclear, and it is highly likely that believers, particularly in and around Marrakech, will also have been affected by the earthquake themselves.


Please pray 

  • For outreach at the Sheep Festival next Saturday in Llandovery.
  • Also for the outcome of some really good solicitors working for us on the terms of the lease we hope to sign soon on the Station Café, which we intend to run as a 'hub' for y GRWP, a plea meet for us and the rural community.
  • For people we have spoken with this week who are income sort of trouble or despair, even despairing of life itself.
  • And for people we know in the area that are de-churched or without a place they currently feel able to worship ... but would like to have one. (Yes ... they are out there and we'd love to see them in somewhere good!)

Father, please inspire, lead and hear our prayers - and answer us by your grace from your Heavenly throne, we ask for Jesus' sake.


City Alight's song gives us a personal spiritual check-up before we head into God's Word together ... where are we right now with what they are singing here? 

If it ain't good, hang in there, the good stuff is going to follow!

Click the little man to go to the audio of today's ministry on Buzzsprout, where you can also find an extended blog around the transcript that goes beyond the sermon recording and supplies extra content.

We are going to close today with a song that only came out on Friday (September 8th.) from the Gettys ... I hope you like it, but infinitely more I hope we will all find it helpful

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling 
and to present you before his glorious presence 
without fault 
and with great joy - 
to the only God our Saviour 
be glory, majesty, power and authority, 
through Jesus Christ our Lord, 
before all ages, 
now and forevermore! 

If you would like to join us in worshipping by giving, please click on the offering bag.

This week's daily prayer journal for the world from Justin Long is copied in below (thanks Justin!)


We pray for the over 20 million who participated in the Islamic Arbae'en pilgrimage this past week. While this pilgrimage is not in honor of the Lord, nevertheless many who make it do so with a sense of spiritual hunger in their hearts. In the same way that many pray for Muslims during Ramadan, pray that the Lord will bring many of these pilgrims to Himself. Pray especially for dreams and visions of Jesus, and that many will come into contact with earnest believers who can help disciple them.


We once again pray for the many who are caught in the conflicts that span Africa, and especially for those in the violence of Sudan. We pray for laborers who can be a blessing among them, providing water, food, shelter, clothing, aid, and counsel to the traumatized. We think especially of the children so heavily impacted by the warfare, who have lost loved ones, and pray that God would bring peace and justice to this region. We pray for peace and justice to reign.


We are thankful the coups in Gabon and Niger so far have not erupted in violence. We pray these situations will be resolved peacefully, and for continued space for believers to make disciples among the unreached. We pray for the Kingdom to expand into the lives of radicals, fundamentalists, and the spiritually famished.


While reading articles about Turkey and South Korea intentionally courting Chinese tourists, we pray for workers who position themselves to bless tourists and spread the Kingdom into people groups through ministries to tour groups, students, and other migrants. We pray for the Spirit to lead workers into more unconventional and yet effective access ministries.


We pray for the Pashto in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Millions in Afghanistan face hunger. Millions more have fled into the surrounding countries and are trying to find better lives. Thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands have come to follow Jesus. We pray more would seek the Lord, and would come in contact with faithful believers.


We pray for the church in China, which is coming under renewed persecution. We pray for the many believers and pastors who must try and discern the line to walk between the government’s regulations and being faithful to Jesus—where can they, like others under foreign rule (Daniel, and Jesus himself), obey the government, and where must they make a stand? (1 Peter 2:17)


We pray for the safety and health of Great Commission laborers around the world, who are traveling and ministering in the context of a Covid resurgence. Many work in places with degraded and less capable health facilities. While this surge does not seem unduly contagious or deadly, it can still disrupt ministry activities, conferences, and travel.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

DIY SSK 03/09/23 - Purpose - Ephesians 1:23


Thanks for dropping by the DIY Sunday Service Kit for September 3rd., 2023.

Our summer seems to be drawing to a close, but there does seem to be a bit of an Indian Summer coming our way over the next few days.

But whatever the weather and whatever plans we have for the next few days, whatever the circumstances are that lie ahead of us, our Shepherd is always close and will keep shining the sunshine of His love on us ... let's celebrate that in this first song today.

Do you follow one of our social media accounts where you can see the (VERY short) Verse for the Day each weekday morning?

Why not follow the 

Grace Rural Wales Partnership page on Facebook, 

howchaplaingmail on Instagram (same on Threads), 

@WelshRev on Twitter or 

@revsimonbowkett1400 on YouTube 

and make sure you get our Verse for the Day ... and a lot else besides to keep you up to date?

Here's a taster from this week. Tap on the video below

This week we don't have just a few prayer points for today ...

This seven day prayer guide for the world is a slightly different sort of approach for us, with our prayers led today by Justin Long, a digital missionary with Act Beyond based in Texas.

Let's see how we get on with it day by day ... you can use one of these per day of the week:

1. We pray for the women and children in the Al-Hol refugee camp. As a result of the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, thousands of people are ‘detained’ here (and in other camps in Iraq). Many are (or were) IS sympathesizers—but also their families, displaced people under their sway, and tens of thousands of women and children with ‘ties’ to IS soldiers (often forced to marry). Some of the women are bought in to jihadist ideology and raising their children in it. The story of the place is horrific, and worse, no one wants to help resolve it. “Western governments have walked away. ‘They’re hoping for a cholera epidemic,’ says one consultant.” Yet the 42,000 or so in the camp are precious to our Father in heaven, and worth more than any sparrow (Matthew 10:29-31). Is God asking us to intercede for Al-Hol, as he went down to ‘talk with his friend Abraham’ about Sodom & Gomorrah? With so many in the camp, it is unlikely there are absolutely no believers. Many more are sitting in grave darkness. Pray for peace, and justice, and for redemptive light to dawn for them.

2. We continue to pray for the people across the Sahel, from Burkina Faso to Sudan, where coups, civil wars rage. Thousands are experiencing severe trauma. We lament the seemingly unrelenting violence of these months, and the wounding of men, women and children. I confess I cannot see a rapid end to it. Yet we know God can take what the enemy means for harm and use it for good. Pray for the many mission agency and aid agency workers who are laboring to help in the midst of this crisis (Psalm 126:5).

3. We pray for the women and girls migrating from Somalia via the perilous ‘Eastern Route.’ This leads from Ethiopia through Somalia to Yemen and thence to the Gulf States. In 2021, over 50,000 women migrated this way; in 2022, over 100,000. Many find themselves in terrible situations of abuse along the way. Read some of their stories here and here and pray for Kingdom workers who will labor to be a blessing to them (Matthew 25:31-40).

4. We pray for more workers for the harvest in China. China and the nations are ‘disconnecting’ from one another. China is closing in on itself, and other nations are pulling away from it. One recent example: Students in other countries don’t see the value in learning Mandarin. This period of government control and oppression is also a difficult time for the church, and there are some indicators the persecution and harassment has led to stagnant church growth. In this time, we pray God will raise up believers who are passionate for God’s heart for China, and will work on behalf of the church there, despite the many significant obstacles.

6. We pray that God will raise up workers and use us on behalf of North Korea. A number of stories this week highlight some small ‘cracks’ in the walls of this land—North Koreans abroad are returning to the country, regular air flights are being held, and trade between China and North Korea is resuming. Pray that God will raise up innovative individuals who will find ways to bring the Gospel into this land.

7. We praise God for the rise of spiritual hunger in Latin America, especially on the part of the youth. We know in the past many Latin American missionaries have done significant things for Gospel expansion in unreached parts of the world. We pray that out of this new hunger will rise a generation ready to pray, give, and go to the nations.

And so we pray 👇

Click the Bible below for today's reading

That's almost it for today folks, if we can pray for you about something in particular or if we can help with something please feel free to get in touch by email or by text / WhatsApp.
And if you'd like to join us in worshipping by giving please click on the offering bag to be taken to our giving link.


Let's pray

"To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you 
before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy
to the only God our Saviour be 
glory, majesty, 
power and authority, 
through Jesus Christ our Lord, 
before all ages, 
now and forevermore! 

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 09/06/24 - Tell His Story - 2. The Fall, Genesis 3

  Hello and WELCOME to the DIY Sunday Service Kit. I've been away for half of this week at the Bala Ministers Conference (see the Word f...