Saturday, 27 January 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 28/01/24 - Daniel 2


Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for 28th. January, 2024

Today we are taking a look at Daniel 2, both in the  Word for the Week and the Deep-Dive format using the links below. One is just very short and feels a bit like sinking into your favourite armchair ... warm and reassuring. The other is a proper 30-minute sermon format which feels more like the sort of experience you have on a dining chair!

I reckon the transition from the comfort of the armchair to the re-fuelling of the dining table is worth making ... do you?

Try both and see!

Let's worship the Lord.

Here's a short video published this week giving an insight into the other stuff we do during the week in y GRWP and explaining WHY we need to meet on the evening of 

March 1st. in Llandovery to pray

and what we need to be praying for rural Wales.

This seems like the right sort of thing to sing in response ...

Here's the seven-day prayer calendar for this week from

Why don't you check that link for all sorts of information about wha is happening in the world from a spiritual viewpoint? There is SO much more there than gets into our weekly prayer calendar!

(Prayer  Calendar coming soon ... below)

1 1. We pray for believers in the midst of the ongoing shaking in North Africa. Pray that believers rise up and don’t miss this opportunity. Pray for the churches to step out of their walls, workers to seize the kairos moment. Pray for the “Go North” initiatives to develop innovative approaches to successfully send intercessory prayer teams.
  • We pray for the ongoing major displacement of Sudanese populations across Africa. Imagine Khartoum - a capital city of 5 million - has been displaced. It’s a ghost town. The genocidal rampages taking place in Darfur, and people are fleeing in all directions. We pray for the refugees that have found themselves far from home, traumatized, not always welcomed or cared for.

  • We pray for the families affected by the Gaza war. Emotions, tensions, pressure, weight are all being felt especially by Arabs in the region. Pray that God will use the war and the many things endured for good.

  • We pray for Egypt and Tunisia in the midst of economic crises. Egypt’s currency has lost half its value in the past fifteen months; inflation is running rampant through the region. It makes it hard for believers (and everyone) to simply exist day to day.

  • We pray for the ongoing war in Libya and the east vs. west divide, which continues to perpetuate the crisis in that country.

2. We pray for the ongoing instability in the Horn of Africa.

  • Pray for the Lord to intervene and bring peace to the tribal and political conflicts in Ethiopia and the region. It has been very difficult to do road trips for ministry due to security issues and danger in doing so. Many vehicles are burnt, killing and robbery and high jacking people and asking for money has been very common.

  • Pray for the many refugees from Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia entering Ethiopia - pray for believers to be able to reach out to these refugees so they are blessed with Good News when they do return home to their people group.

  • Pray for the severe persecution of the church in Eritrea. Most of the work there is underground, and many believers are in prison. We pray for the endurance of the church, the release of these believers, and a change in the situation.

3 We pray for the spiritually hungry in India to discover the true Bread of Life.

  • The recent dedication of the Ayodha temple was a major event accompanied by celebrations in many villages and cities in the country. We pray that those who go on pilgrimage to Ayodha and other similar locations will be visited by dreams and visions of Jesus.

  • We pray for the many believers who are enduring persecution especially in the midst of the current climate of Hindu nationalism. Pray that these believers will have an opportunity to be a witness for Jesus. Pray that persecutors will be turned by the Spirit to the truth.

4. We pray for the upcoming election in Indonesia. We pray especially for charity between believers - there has been some division between those within the church over political candidates. In addition, we pray for peace and protection for the believers, as elections can, at times, be “exciting” (in the words of one leader from the field). There can be scuffles, demonstrations, and violence. Please pray for the believers to continue to be a witness in the midst of this time.

5. We pray for Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa:

  • Economic hardship bites harder in Nigeria as its local currency depreciates so badly

  • The Fulani Nationalist Movement FUNAM has threatened to declare a Jihad on the Nation if their President - Bello Bodejo who was picked up by unknown persons is not released immediately within 72hours. Meanwhile Government has said their President is not in their Custody. Pray that God will frustrate their schemes and that the government in power will be proactive in their response.

  • Over 200 violent attacks have been recorded across all six area councils of the Federal Capital Territory since President Bola Tinubu assumed office on May 29, 2023. The incidents led to the death of no fewer than 87 residents of the FCT, while 176 were kidnapped within the period. Pray against the rising tide of insecurity across Nigeria.

  • Pray that disciple makers and church planters will emerge in sufficient numbers to engage the remaining unreached peoples and places across our region using movement principles.

  • Ask for spiritual protection over all Missionaries, Mission Leaders and Leaders of the Church across the region in the face of rampant Kidnapping for ransom, violent attacks, and insurgency as they go about the mission of the Kingdom.

  • Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa plays host to 40 Unreached People Groups and 3 Least evangelized people groups, and all are found in the Northern part of the Country. Pray for deliverance of Northern Nigeria.

6. We pray for Burkina Faso and the Sahel, specifically:

  • Please praise God with us for the progressive break through we are seeing in access ministry and media among the Fulani

  • Please plead with us for: discernment and protection against attacks and infiltration from jihadi group.

  • - for the provision of felt needs for many internally displaced people particularly brethren (food, shelter, water/well)

  • - the provision of the long-term economic sustainability of Kingdom work in the area

  • - the effective finding and filling the gaps in our context of insecurity

  • - a breakthrough leading to movements of disciple makers across all the 21 countries of Africa where the Fulani people live

7. We pray for the many workers who are participating in various conferences, as they are in conferences and as they are returning from them. We pray especially for unity (John 17) and for safety as they return. We pray for wisdom and diligence as they follow up on the action steps they decided on in the conferences.

This week's Deep-Dive Bible exposition is here in three formats ... to watch, to listen and to read. 

Take your pick!

    • Watch

    • Listen

    • Read

Let's worship this God of ours Who controls the revelation of mysteries 

Lord and Father we thank you that your supremacy is seen in your knowledge of all things and your Fatherly care is seen your revelation of all that it is good for us to know.

Help us in our limited knowledge and understanding to trust to your care in all that perplexes us and shows the limits of our understanding, and teach us the worship and total trust that will honour and glorify your Name.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


You can join us in worshipping through giving by clicking the offering bag below 

and you can contact us through the website 

There is a range of ways to connect with us on that site ... please feel free to let us know your thoughts, your questions and your prayer requests there!

Thursday, 11 January 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 14/01/24

Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit of 14th. January 2024, the Sunday after 'Quitters' Friday' ... all will become clear when we get to the Bible ministry which this week is out and about in the form of an extended Word for the Week.

Let's come to worship ...

Let's pray

Lord and Father we ask that whatever we bring with us as we come to worship you this week, whatever lies on our conscience, on our jobs list or in our cares and concerns you will give us a fresh view of your Son the Lord Jesus living now in Heavenly Glory, and that the sight will bring us fresh repentance, rejoicing and redirection in life so that we are equipped to go forward following Him and with you.

We ask for Jesus sake.


The Seven Day Prayer Calendar for our World is now here

Let's pray

1. We pray for the “unseen” displaced in Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced from the countryside and have flowed into the city, where they are living in camps. In all, perhaps 2 million are displaced in Burkina Faso due to jihadist conflict. 

  • You can read some of their stories and pray for the people involved, many by name. 

  • We pray for believers and churches in the area to be a blessing to these displaced.

  • We pray for the Gospel to spread among the earnestly spiritual fundamentalists in the Sahel, and for a great turning to Christ.

2. We pray for the Christians suffering attacks in Nigeria. Since the week of Christmas, Christian communities have been attacked, people killed, and churches burnt (read their story). Over 10,000 have been displaced and many communities abandoned as people fled.

  • We pray for the families and communities that have suffered terrible loss. We “weep with those who weep” and lament the pain and devastation.

  • We pray even in the midst of the violence, God will expand his kingdom among the unreached peoples in this region—and especially for work among the Fulani-speaking peoples of the area. Beseech the Lord of the Harvest for more workers in this field!

3. We pray for the Rohingya refugees in Aceh, Indonesia (read their story). Fleeing persecution and finding themselves stateless, they came to the “doorway to Mecca”—but there, political activists have apparently used their arrival to begin a populist, anti-immigrant campaign as part of upcoming national elections. Unfortunately this leaves the Rohingya in a precarious situation—in need of aid yet once again the focus of hostility and fear.

  • We pray for this group of refugees, who have endured so much tragedy, to come to know the God who loves them.

  • There are very few believers in this particular part of the world, but we pray for some form of aid to come to the Rohingya.

  • We continue to pray for the Gospel to spread throughout the little-reached province of Aceh.

4. Let’s remember Sudan’s millions before the Throne! This war has slipped “out of sight” of many who are focused on Israel/Gaza and Russia/Ukraine.  If the current trend holds true, the RSF may very well end up in control of significant portions of the country, if not completely victorious. Wherever the RSF go, the area is marked by violence, massacres and abuses. Over 7 million are estimated displaced, and it’s uncertain who would be able to return to their homes.

  • We pray for the millions who have suffered severe loss and trauma as a result of the war.

  • We even pray for the miraculous spread of the Kingdom through the soldiers of the RSF. We ask God to send dreams and visions and “turn the hearts of kings.”

  • We pray for those working among the Sudanese—both inside and outside the country. Many of these Kingdom workers are no doubt distraught, exhausted, and dismayed. We pray for their energy to be renewed by the work of the Spirit.

5. We pray for Gaza. Reports indicate the war seems to be shifting to a lower-intensity phase, but the future of Gaza—access to it, its leadership, and the ability of people to work there—is still unclear. Over 80% of Gaza’s people are displaced, and two-thirds of the buildings are damaged (see photos). Gaza is “on the verge of famine” and will require a major reconstruction effort. In this new phase, is it possible Kingdom workers could bring aid and be a blessing?

  • We pray for wisdom, discernment, and boldness for Kingdom workers focused on the area.

  • We pray for favor from local officials and military personnel so that aid can be brought in.

6. We pray for peace between Ethiopia and its neighbors. This week, several stories focused on the increase in tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea and Somalia over Ethiopia’s agreement with Somaliland for access to a Red Sea port. While the prospects of war between these nation seem low, at the same time it’s not out of the question. We pray that peace will prevail. Human suffering aside, a war between these three nations would cause significant disruption to much Kingdom work.

7. We pray for the spiritual transformation of West Bengal, India. This is the fifth province on the least-reached provinces list. It lies on the eastern edge of India, bordering Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. It has nearly 100 million people, most of whom are Bengalis. Kolkata (Calcutta) is the commercial, cultural, and educational capital of eastern India, the third largest city in India and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. Christianity first came to the area in the 1500s, but today the region is probably around 1% Christian. There are significant efforts under way, with over 200 denominations and missions at work (according to Operation World). We pray for the rapid spread of the Gospel through this state, and among the Bengali, one of the largest people groups in the world.


It's time to read the Bible (click the pic.)

This week's Bible ministry is here 👇

Let's pray

We thank you Lord and Father that you have put a longing in human hearts to overcome our old self and become new.

We thank you too that in the face of our human ability to self-renew, you have provided so completely for us in the Lord Jesus to be inwardly renewed day by day.

Take us into this coming week, we pray, with eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus the we may soak up the benefits of His and be transformed by His presence and His person.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


As usual we are here this week to support you in fellowship and prayer so please feel free to contact us through any of the contact opportunities available ... the easiest these days is probably the set of these on the outreach website 

If you would like to join in with us in worshiping by giving, please click the offering bag below which will take you straight to our online giving page.

Have a great week!

Friday, 5 January 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit 07/01/24 - HAPPY New Year - 1 John 1:1-4


Welcome to the first DIY Sunday Service Kit of 2024 on January 7th., 2024.

It looks as if the coming year will have some new things and new challenges in it (but not in a bad way) for y GRWP. So let's begin by committing the coming year to the Lord as we worship Him together with Sovereign Grace Music ...

One of the big new opportunities we look forward to in 2024 is hosting 'The Call to the Hills', a conference drawing people together from across Wales to pray and stoke up a fresh vision for reaching rural Wales with the Gospel. 

Speakers with experience of pioneer Cristian mission from Wales and the world beyond area currently preparing papers and there will be more information about the programme and registration detail coming out across the next few weeks.

For now, please put the dates and times in your diary and do all you can to be with us on 

  • the evening of March 1st., St. David's Day for: a big old prayer meeting for Revival across rural Wales led by Rev. Phil Swan from Llanelli 
  • and across the day on March 2nd. to hear speakers with experience of wha they're speaking about dealing with subjects from how to train workers for rural Wales through how to reach difficult to reach people groups and how to open ears to the Gospel ... all chaired by Rev. Jonathan Stephen

But the biggest thing we need right now is to pray for the Lord to protect and bless our preparations and to be with us very powerfully over that weekend in March!

So please would you join us in prayer that the Lord would use this conference to equip and send workers int His harvest fielding rural Wales?

And now we pray for the wider world

Here's the 7-day prayer diary for this week

We continue to pray for those caught up in the war in Sudan. Sudanese citizens are in “total panic” and “rushing for arms to defend themselves” as the RSF make significant gains. The RSF “offered” a cease-fire (or is it a publicity stunt?), but Sudan’s army chief has rejected any chance of reconciliation. RSF gains have been marked by massacres and other abuses. It seems likely the war will continue to grind on. We pray for an end to it, and for justice and reconciliation, but in the meantime we pray for those who are suffering, and for the Kingdom workers who are trying to help. "The Lord is close to the broken hearted..." (Psalm 34:18)

2 We pray for the suffering, distressed and hungry in Tigray, Ethiopia. Hunger and insecurity continues to spread. More than 2 million Tigrayans face acute malnutrition., and “many worry the current famine will grow to equal the catastrophe of 1984” (Le Monde). Additional political uncertainty and stress stress is being felt in the Horn as the effort by Ethiopia and Somaliland to agree on access to the Red Sea port is opposed by Somalia (which views recognition of Somaliland as an attack on its sovereignty) and Djibouti (which would suffer the lost of significant trade through its ports). We pray for the Kingdom workers in the region who are trying to be of help. 

3. We are thankful for continued growth in openness between the West and China, small though these cracks may be: the lessening of visa requirements for US citizens, and the increasing appeal of overseas jobs for Chinese workers. We pray new avenues for the Gospel will open up as a result of this; while the church in China numbers likely over 100 million, many millions still have no access to the Good News.

4. We are thankful for the ability of some Chinese businessmen and workers to enter North Korea (Daily NK). Yet we also know the “wall” around North Korea remains very strong. We pray for continued ‘cracks’ and for the Gospel to find ways to enter and spread. We pray that North Korea, once the “Jerusalem of the East,” will once again “be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas” (Habakkuk 2:14).

5. In many places around the world, diaspora workers are eagerly sought due to widening demographic crises: with slowing birth rates, there are too few workers for local economies. A recent example is seen in Thailand, where companies are asking the government to allow as many as 400,000 additional Lao migrant workers in to work for them. In many places, we have seen the flow of migrant workers has brought significant new opportunities for the Kingdom to spread, and we pray that will happen in Thailand as well. The majority Thai are significantly under-engaged.

6. We pray for believers who will be a blessing to the many refugees. This week, we pray especially for the hundreds of refugees resettling in Minnesota (over 1,500 in 2023), especially Somalis, and pray for the Gospel to spread among them. Many are not always welcomed in host communities, but we pray for believers who will be a blessing to them.

7. We pray for the spiritual transformation of Punjab, Pakistan. This is the fourth province on the least-reached provinces list. One of the largest provinces in Pakistan, it is criss-crossed by the Indus River and borders India. Punjab province was divided between India and Pakistan in 1947, and today is a political center. Although there has been no census since 1998, most estimates suggest Punjab has more than 100 million, or more than half of Pakistan’s population. Punjab has a strong economy but poverty is widespread; it is the breadbasket of the nation, but industrial centers are in several of its cities. Christianity first entered Punjab around the 1590s. Today, over 80% of Pakistan’s Christians are found in this province, yet they make up just a little more than 2% of its population. Over 2 million Christians are thought to be living in and around Lahore and Faisalabad. We pray that these workers and others will be used by God to spread the Gospel throughout this province and the rest of Pakistan.

As we have prayed for our God to step in to deal with our world's chaos, let's now restate our trust in His Fatherly care and Sovereign rule

Today's Bible reading is 1 John 1:1-10 (click the pic.)

What a HUGE thing it is that God is so wonderfully FOR us!

Let's look into God's Word together - you have the choice of three formats:

                                                            ... audio

                                                               ... video

                                                              ... transcript

May the Lord fill our hearts and minds with a fresh vision of Himself and His Glory, that makes sharing His good news our great delight ... let's sing

Let's pray

Lord and Father, please give us a fresh and tangible sense of your reality and the reality of your Gospel of grace as we live out our lives day by day throughout 2024.

Would you meet with us as we read your Word each day through this year and speak to us clearly and powerfully.

Would you meet with us as we pray, that we might live as people of your holy and glorious presence.

And would you walk with us closely through all the experiences of our life and amongst the people with whom we meet, that your ways might be made known through us on earth and your saving grace throughout all nations.

We ask for Jesus' sake and glory.


As ever, please feel free to contact us about anything in this service kit today or anything we can pray about for you.

And if you would like to join us in sharing the fellowship of giving, please click on the offering bag below to be taken to our online giving link.

May our good and gracious God bless you with a very good week in His service.

Monday, 1 January 2024

Prayer for the World - 01/01/2024


This prayer calendar for the week come to us from Justin Long:

1. On this New Year’s Eve, we pray the prayer of Jesus in Matthew 9:36-38: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” We pray  2024 will be a year in which many more workers will move into the harvest fields of the unreached. Many Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs, even agnostics and atheists are spiritually hungry. They seek the Way, the Truth, the Life. God is calling hearts with dreams and visions of Jesus, and using the trials and tribulations of this sinful world to shake people out of the spiritual slumber. Let us pray for more workers to reach out to these spiritually destitute and starving.

2. On this New Year’s Day, we pray for the many who are enduring the shaking of  war in Sudan, Israel/Gaza, Ukraine, DR Congo, the Sahel, Myanmar, and elsewhere. They endure a nightmare of displacement, abuse, genocide and massacres—traumas that have sown seeds that will be reaped over generations. We pray for an end to the violence, and for peace. We pray for the healing of the physically, emotionally, and spiritually wounded. We pray for the justice, grace and reconciliation that God will bring. We pray for churches, believes, and workers who will be a blessing to the wounded, their families, and their futures. We pray that in the midst of the wars and rumors of wars, the kingdom will be proclaimed to the nations (Matthew 24).

3. We pray for the families of the Christmas massacre in Nigeria. Suspected Fulani militants attacked 20+ villages over 7 hours, burning homes and killing just under or around 200 people (Release International, CNA,, CT). It appears that those killed were Christians; Muslims apparently were left alone. We pray for those who have endured this traumatic event; for the Nigerian churches to be a blessing and help to them; for justice to be done and those who perpetrated the attacks to be detained; and for the Kingdom of God to spread in the region. We pray for the Gospel to spread among the Fulani, and “for many Sauls to become Pauls.”

4. We pray today especially for China, once the world’s most populous nation and now 2nd most, where many hundreds of millions are out of reach of the Gospel. The spiritual field of this great country has been made more difficult to reach in the last few years, as China seemed to wall itself off. There appear to be some changes in this trend of isolation; one example is Beijing’s professed plan to invite 50,000 young Americans to China for exchanges and studies in the next five years. Another is the simplification of visa applications for Americans (link). We pray that similar easing of restrictions between China and other nations will also follow suit - and that from all over the world, workers will come and partner with and serve the Chinese church in a wide work spreading the Kingdom.

5. We pray today especially for India, which claimed the crown as the world’s most populous country from China, and where likewise hundreds of millions of people are out of Gospel reach. India is experiencing waves of nationalism and religious conflict. The most public example is the widespread campaign to demolish mosques and expel Muslims (see this Economist analysis as a case study). The religious conflict is touching Christians too; there is widespread persecution, mob attacks, arrests, and the like. This is not new, but it has intensified. Nevertheless at the same time there has been much recent Gospel advance—including spiritual fruit reported by DMM approaches and traditional mainstream church approaches. We pray for the endurance, boldness, and discernment of the church in outreach this year, and for continued growth even in fields that seem spiritually dark.

6. We are thankful for the many underground schools seeking to continue the education of women in Afghanistan in spite of restrictions from the Taliban. We pray likewise for the many underground churches in Afghanistan that seek to spread the Kingdom. The last few years have been a time of great turmoil and hardship in that nation. While many sit in great darkness, however, in many places light has dawned. We pray for the boldness of underground believers. We also pray for the diaspora outside of Afghanistan, that they will feel a spiritual emptiness and hunger, and that they will encounter believers.

7. We pray for the spiritual transformation of Turkey. This ancient nation was the home of the earliest church, the home of Christian rulers, and now of course a significant center and force for Islam. Yet today it is also a connector, transit route, and gateway between Europe and Asia. Spiritual centers in Turkey along the routes could impact not just the various peoples of Turkey, but also all those passing in between. We pray for the Kingdom of God in Turkey to grow and spread, especially into the less-reached East. Like China, Turkey is lifting visa requirements for many nations (incl. USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and the UAE—see link).

Where do these prayer requests come from? This is a weekly guide to beseeching (δέομαι/deomai, Matthew 9) the Lord of the Harvest for the unreached peoples and places of the world. 
It is based on the events listed in his Weekly Roundup, as well as on information received from disciple-making movements and other sources around the world. 
If you're interested in his Weekly Roundup (out each Friday), you can see a sample and sign up for it here.

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 09/06/24 - Tell His Story - 2. The Fall, Genesis 3

  Hello and WELCOME to the DIY Sunday Service Kit. I've been away for half of this week at the Bala Ministers Conference (see the Word f...