Thought for the Day:
"He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth"
Micah 5:4
Sheep also seem to think they can be independent.
They get regular reminders that they can't, and on GOOD days that sends them running back to the care of their shepherd.
But what has a shepherd got to offer HIS sheep?
- He's committed to them, even when they've been unutterably foolish.
- He sees to their food supply and watering.
- He tends their ailments and clears their parasites.
- He trims their feet and shears their fleece to prevent then from coming to various harms.
But when they decide to 'go freestyle' they lose protection and provision, and wind up dealing with a pile of extra grief.
An indepdendent cast of mind, the ability to live and thrive within limits, is what every hill shepherd is keen to breed into their flock. But the ones that don't keep to those limits are the problem sheep that must get weeded out or they'll get lost.
The wise ones know their own role, and also work with the role of their Shepherd. As Micah says here: "And they will live securely".
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