Saturday 14 May 2022

The DIY Sunday Service Kit 15/05/22 - 1 John 3:11-18 '- The Loving Thing'

 It's been another week of disturbing mutterings and shakings on the world scene with treats real and supposed filling our news media.

1 John helpfully steers us towards renewing our foundations and hitching our lives shine to the moorings that have stood the test of time across a couple of thousand years.

Today the Word for the Week video, at the close of Mental Health Week, takes us for a meditative trip around 'Impulse Control', and John lays bare the importance of love as a facet of the experience of salvation ... but, of course, John has a lot more to say about it than that!

But first, we begin with a verse of Scripture and a word of prayer:

Let's pray

Father we thank you that in a world where sin and its effects colour the experience of human life, there is One to Whom His people may come in our trouble and our need of refuge.

We thank you that in the midst of a world coloured in 'bad' we come to a God Who is good and present our thoughts, our prayers and our worship today. 

Help us to serve you will in our words and our deeds this day and prepare us for what lies ahead in the coming week so that we may live before you, conscious of your presence and reflecting the love we have been shown in whatever circumstances you lead us into and through this week.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


At the conclusion of Mental Health Week our Word for the Week video chews over 'Impulse Control', its loss and its recovery

Let's pray:

  • As Mental Health Week closes once more we pray for those who are having trouble with their thoughts and the things that trouble their minds.

  • As our latest consignment of much-needed emergency medical supplies for Ukraine arrived in Poland on Saturday night we pray for Ukraine, for its leaders, for people in extreme circumstances of fear, of serious injury, of oppression and imprisonment ... remembering particularly to pray for the relief of the siege of the  Azov Stal steelworks in Mariupol ... and we ask that our gifts might once more be placed into the hand of those who can and will. use them to their greatest effect.

  • And as we from the livestock mart volunteers team have been able to share Christ with people in trouble an distress again this week, we pray that we may continue to have these opportunities, that fresh opportunities to share Christ in similar ways may increase for all of us and that the Lord will by His Holy Spirit bless hearing about His saving grace with faith in the hearts of the hearers.

Lord, use your Church in the power of the Spirit to turn back the suffering in this world caused by the works of darkness and bring light and salvation through the Gospel to the ears and the hearts of all who will listen.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Today's Bible Reading is to be found HERE:

Let's pray as we sing that the Lord would speak to OUR hearts today in the preaching of His Word

(The transcript of the sermon is available to be read on the 'transcript' button at the head of the page the link above take you to and the studio cam video recording of the sermon is clickable below)

We'll close in prayer

Scripture says:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! 
Strive for full restoration, 
encourage one another, 
be of one mind, 
live in peace. 
And the God of love and peace will be with you.

Greet one another with a holy kiss. All God’s people here send their greetings.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

2 Corinthians 13:11-14

Grant us Lord a love for you and for your people that comes from faithful contemplate not your Cross, and shape our hearts in the image of your son throughout the week that lies ahead.

We pray for Jesus' sake.


Please feel free to stay in touch through email or by phone and keep us up to speed with anything we can be praying about for you!

If you would like to support the work of y GRWP materially please click the giving link from Stewardship which is immediately below.

I hope you have a great and a richly blessed week!


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