Saturday, 17 September 2022

DIY Sunday Service Kit 18/09/22 - Ritual, Tradition and the death of the monarch - Hebrews 9:27-28


What are we all about today?

Click on this video link!


So welcome to online worship with the DIY Sunday Service Kit at the end of a most unusual week, a week that looks likely to give way to another unusual week yet to come.

How are we to think of and how are we to respond to these things?

That's going to be the sort of question our Bible ministry relates to today, spreading hope into a world touched by personal and public grief. 

So far the public sphere has been pretty sombre. Where will we take it from there?

Firstly, we need to attend to our own walk with God.

With that in mind, here's this week's four minute 'Word for the Week' video (not to be confused with the sermon which has much more to do with current events and lies below!)

(Is there someone you might be able to share the Word for the Week with this week? Please feel free!)

The Coronation ceremony of a new monarch traditionally makes a clear statement of the fact that the monarch's authority is not theirs per se but is a duty and responsibility delegated to them by God. 

So let's first of all make a start on our major theme today at that point ... it is ultimately the Lamb Who is to be found on THE throne.

As we turn to prayer, Scripture teaches us:

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—  

for kings and all those in authority, 

that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 

This is good, and pleases God our Savior,  

who wants all people to be saved 

and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

1 Timothy 2:1-3

So at this challenging time for our nation, let's pray ...

In keeping with this passage in God's Word ...

  • We pray first today for Kings

Lord and loving Heavenly Father we give thanks today for the blessings we have known during the reign of the late Queen. 

We thank you for the encouragement it has been to hear her increasingly presenting truth from your Word during her Christmas broadcasts, and we thank you for the measure of freedom that we have enjoyed during her reign forms to speak freely of your love and to convey your Gospel to our nation ... a nation that still seems increasingly hostile to you and which is increasingly turning from you and your ways.

We pray for the new King Charles III, for His Queen Consort Camilla and all the royal family. 

We ask the they might be comforted in their current personal grief, rightly guided into wise counsels and truly born again into new life by the Holy Spirit of our God.

We pray as we are instructed in your Word that they might do everything in their power as they exercise their office so that "we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

And we pray that your truth and justice might prevail throughout King Charles's reign.

  • We pray secondly today for all those in authority

Conscious of pressures and divisions in society, we pray Lord today for our new Prime Minister Liz Truss who faces many difficult challenges, not least the re-uniting of the nation to meet those challenges.

Only recently elected, during a time of numerous national crises, after a leadership contest riven with acrimony and elected by 57% of her party's total membership of 172,000 ... a party that has not had a majority in Wales since 1859  ... Ms. Truss faces many challenges in governing Wales.

So in the light of our current internal and external challenges we pray that our land will be unified under her administration. We pray that Liz Truss and her ministers will be given advisers that are able to advise them well on how to unite our land under their leadership, that they will understand the needs of Wales and then act to meet these needs. 

And we pray that we might be led from Westminster and also from Cardiff Bay in such a way that we are enabled to live peaceful, productive and quiet lives, provide for our daily necessities, have sufficient to help those in a worse condition than we are in ourselves and be able to live at peace whilst pursuing godliness and holiness.

The challenges that lie immediately ahead of those you have appointed to lead us seem daunting Lord, and we ask that they will seek the solutions to our nation's difficulties in the light of your Word and at the foot of your throne.

  • We pray thirdly today for those who lead the visible church at this time

We pray particularly today for Archbishop Justin Welby, leader of the international Anglican Communion.

We pray that the heavy weight of his responsibilities to the King of England at this time will not overwhelm his allegiance to the King of Kings.

We pray that he will be given great spiritual inspiration and empowerment to faithfully represent truth both to power and to people at this crucial point in our nation's history.

We pray for his sermon preparation ahead of the late Queen's state funeral on Monday. 

We acknowledge that it is not for us to like or dislike his sermon but for you, the God Who speaks in your Word, to approve or disapprove of his message. 

So we pray that you will give Justin Welby your words to speak. 

We ask that you, our loving God, would then open the King of England's ears and his heart to your message and we pray that this opportunity to bring the Gospel to our nation and to the world will not be lost.

Unite our land and unite our disunited, divided people beneath your headship Lord, we pray. And turn us again to the One Who alone can save us freely, completely and lastingly.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Here's the sermon Studiocam

Let's sing 'Good and gracious King'

Let's pray:

When David took up his reign after the death of King Saul we read:

"All Israel came together to David at Hebron and said, “We are your own flesh and blood. 

In the past, even while Saul was king, you were the one who led Israel on their military campaigns. 

And the Lord your God said to you, ‘You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become their ruler.’”

When all the elders of Israel had come to King David at Hebron, he made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord, and they anointed David king over Israel, as the Lord had promised through Samuel."

1 Chronicles 11:1-3

So we pray Lord that you will anoint the ministry of our new King Charles III so that He might serve you and your purposes for your people. We pray that he might do so faithfully and truly and in the reverent fear of the Lord.

We ask that he and we might be faithful to the covenant that governs our mutual relationship.

And we ask that we might be well-shepherded by those given the rule over us.

Guard us and go with us into the coming week, and into the coming years of the monarchy, preserving us in freedom and in peace, so that we are liberated from all hindrances to your service.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Thank you for worshipping with us online at this momentous point in our national history.

Please pray for us, as we are speaking in Newport on Wednesday about the work of y GRWP then preaching away and sharing the vision for our work again further afield next Sunday.

If you would like to support this ministry by giving then please click the Stewardship graphic to be taken to our giving link.

God bless you.

May He give you a great week full of joy in His service!

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