Sunday, 23 October 2022

DIY Sunday Service Kit 23/10/2022 - Just WHAT is the POINT of this book we call 'Romans'?


Hi guys

What a week! Thank you so much for your prayers as we have been seeking to serve the Lord while we serve the people He's entrusted to us here in the rural Heart of Wales.

It's been a long week full of challenges and reaching out to people living through challenging times and difficult situations where we've been honoured to have people open their hearts to us. But God is good in our everyday experience ... as we LONG to see Him being in the people we've been living amongst this week. 

If that chimes with your experience too, please get in touch so that we can cherish together the work our God gives us, encourage one another's hearts in His service and pray on more effectively as we walk with the God Who is always good to us.

Let us pray

Dear Lord and loving Heavenly Father we thank you that you have called us into fellowship with yourself and with our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.

Would you wash us again from the sins and rebellious acts of the last week as we come to you again in prayer and worship today.

May your Holy Spirit inspire us with your Glory, instruct us in your truth and lead us in your ways as we worship in song, in prayer and in both reading and gearing your holy Word ... and make us more the people that you want us to be.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Shane & Shane nowlead us in worship using their take on Psalm 34

Let's pray

"Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name."
Nehemiah 1:11


For our Government

The news is full of accounts of instability in our government and in our economy.

Please pray for the events we know about to be over-ruled and worked out in the goodness of our Sovereign God, and for His grace and mercy to prevail in our land.

Please pray that the things our people are enduring at this difficult time might be relieved, and that they will turn our nation away from a merely self-help mentality to also seek out the help of the One True Living God.

Please pray that we and the wider Church across the land, as we face the same concerns and pressures as the people around us, might bear clear testimony and find areas of useful Christian service so that as we live in challenging times we might nonetheless be useful in the cause of God's Kingdom

For the people of Ukraine

As winter approaches and power is cut off from many homes in the course of the fighting, let's pray for those who face a winter in the cold and dark.

As the fighting intensifies in the south of the country, let's pray for peace and justice to prevail across Ukraine.

As wider conflicts and rivalries from other regions of the world are increasingly played out in the Ukrainian theatre of war, let's pray for international efforts in diplomacy to prevail.

And for those Christian organisations and churches in Ukraine actively engaged in meeting the needs of their people let's pray for faith, strength and courage in their lives and labours.

For the witness we bear in this part of Wales

The last few weeks have led to significant fresh opportunities to serve in the Kingdom of God where we live.

Please pray for the family of the farmer recently killed by his bull in Llandeilo and for the more than four hundred people who attended his funeral which Simon led on Friday. Please pray for further opportunity to minister to individuals for whom this all raised issues and for those who exchanged contact details and took Scripture.

Please continue to pray for the progress in accessing the premises we hope to rent in Llandovery and for the outreach in the marts where the events of the last few weeks can be expected to lead to further deep conversations.

Lord we thank you that you call us to be your people in times such as these.

Equip us and enable us to be faithful and fearless in your service.

We ask for Jesus' sake and Glory.


Here's the Studiocam of today's sermon recording

Let's commit ourselves afresh to live this week for Christ the coming King

Whatever the coming week holds

Whatever the temptations we face to turn away from trusting everything to the God of all grace

Whatever would distract us from living to call people from amongst the nations to the obedience that come from saving faith

Father strengthen us in our faith

Embolden us in your service

Hold us fast as we seek to walk with you.

We pray for Jesus sake and for His Glory.


Thanks for being with us here this week.

If you'd like to be in touch requesting prayer, clarification of points raised by the sermon or if we can be of help feel free to message, WhatsApp or call Simon on 07748 644958.

And if you'd like to support what we do by giving to y GRWP please feel free to do so by clicking the link below ...

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