Saturday 21 October 2023

DIY Sunday Service Kit 22/10/23 - 'Love's Memory Lost' - Malachi 1:2-5


Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit today, 22nd. October 2023.

Take a look at the Word for the Week video here, which serves as a bit of an appetiser for where we are going with the prophecy of Malachi to carry us into the Christmas season. (Look out for the new hat!)

Let's pray.

Lord and Father, today we pray that you will bring fresh life to our souls and renewed vigour and enthusiasm in our walk with you.

Show us what it is that is taking our thoughts away from you.

Give us a fresh love for the things that make us strong in you.

Develop in our hearts a more consistent passion for the things that are dear to you ... and lead us into more useful lives of service.

We ask for Jesus sake.


Our friends from Llanelli Free Evangelical Church lead us in singing

Let's pray for this congregation that has outgrown its current building and is currently submitting a tender for more suitable premises.

Our seven-day prayer calendar comes once again from Justin Long

1. We pray for those caught up in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The hospital much in the news last week was operated by Christians (founded by Anglicans, run at one time by Southern Baptists, and presently under Anglicans again—additionally, the initial report of 500 casualties appears to have been inflated; it’s possibly more like 100 to 300). Additionally, someone’s strike seems to have hit a church Thursday night, killing some. This reminds us: whatever we think of the Israel-Hamas conflict, there are local believers, Kingdom workers, and spiritually hungry yet lost people in the “grass” as the “elephants tussle.” Less reported (partially due to sensitivity issues) are the many long-term Kingdom works in the area. We are thankful that at least some aid is being allowed into the area. We do pray for justice and peace; also, this week, let’s be praying for those who are trying to be a blessing, for those who need to be blessed, for those who are suffering in the midst of the conflict.

2. We pray for many to turn to Jesus because of the wars that are presently being fought. In the past, many - especially radical militants - have become disillusioned with violence, and have left their religions. Some have come to follow Jesus with great fervor, and have brought many others to do so as well. Think of Mark 12:34, when Jesus told a scribe, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” God’s heart is that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). Let’s be praying many of these now involved in violence will soon come to follow the Prince of Peace.

3. We pray the wars will not spread. The possibility of a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in the north, widening with the potential involvement of other regional players and drawing the United States in, is, I confess, rather frightening. It is not improbable. Likewise, the war in Sudan could spill over its borders. While we pray for justice, let us also pray for peace and for the spread of fighting to be restrained.

4. We pray for the many who have been orphaned by the wars–especially, this week, for the thousands in Nigeria who have been displaced and orphaned by the conflict with Boko Haram (read their story). “They found homes under bridges and… in incomplete buildings… scavenging plastic bottles to sell for cash… many fall through the cracks.” Pray for workers who will focus on reaching these young ones.

5. We pray for the many in diaspora communities that are being affected by the conflicts in Africa and Israel. An article in Turkey Recap asks, “What comes next for Hamas members in Turkey,” and while it’s mostly about whether Turkey should harbor Hamas leaders, it also reminds us that there are people in various countries (like the western suburbs of Istanbul) who have very close ties to Afghanistan, Egypt, Israel, Sudan, and the like. They are keenly concerned with what happens to their families back home. Pray for these, and pray for believers to intersect their lives and be a blessing to them, perhaps by “weeping with those who weep.”

6. We pray again for the more than 40,000 Afghanis who have been affected by a series of earthquakes. Thousands are dead, thousands more injured, whole families have been lost, and many homes have been destroyed. We praise God that some nations are sending aid, and pray that more aid and kingdom workers will be able to be sent.

7. We pray for the Tibetans. China is moving to ban the teaching of the Tibetan language (RFA). The loss of the language could lead to the loss of Tibetan culture. As with the Uighurs last week, we pray for an end to the suppression of the Tibetan people. We also pray for a movement to Christ among the Tibetan peoples that would honor their heritage and values while calling people to earnestly follow Jesus.

Lord and loving Father we look out this week on a world that is troubled, on people who as your word says are 'hated and hating one another'.

What we see troubles us deeply and it looks very much as if our world is in deep trouble unless you graciously intervene, restrain 'the Hand of Lawlessness' and bring about your kingdom of righteousness and peace.

Visit your world we pray, bringing justice peace and light, and show us how you would have us serve you faithfully in times like these.

For Jesus' sake.


We can always rely on our friends at 20 Schemes Music to tell it like it is ... born of their hard experience coming to Christ from some of the hardest housing estates of inner urban Scotland.

Stick with them on this one because the real light of the Gospel shining in the deeper darkness burns all the brighter ...

Let's sing

We are reading again today from Malachi 1

(Click the book)

City Alight lead us in one of the most profound of contemporary worship music's celebrations of God's grace

Click the little preacher-man below for the audio of today's sermon.

(There's a link there at the top of the landing page to take you to the transcript)

Here's the studiocam video of the sermon recording

Loved with everlasting love ... 👇

Let's pray

We thank you Lord for feeding our souls with shared worship and your life-giving Word.

Give us reminders this week of your goodness and love, and keep us in active memory of all that you have done in us, through us and for us.

Guard our wonder, and keep us from being satisfied with the formality that displaces the reality of a life lived in fellowship with you.

And lead us in the way that leads to eternal life.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Thanks for being here with us online today.

If we can be of help, please feel free to get in touch. And if you'd like to join us in worshipping by giving, please click on the offering bag which will take you to our online giving page.

Have a great week!

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