Sunday, 3 December 2023

DIY Sunday Service Kit - 03/12/2023 ... ‘Really. Lousy. Preachers.’ (And where they get you.) - Malachi 2:1-16



Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit.

We're revamping our online offering because it's been a bit 'the same' for the last couple of years now, and with the building of the new website (still hiccoughing and grinding along a bit) there'll be upgrades to the DIY SSK to come too.

If you haven't seen the new website yet, it still stumbles a bit on the website but works well at the address ... so please give that a look!

(Here's a tip ... click the Landrover pic at the top of this page and that should take you there).

There's a blog, videos, the podcast (audio) sermon recording on there ... and you can sign up for regular news from that website which will be geared for folk who are not fully on-board with us yet as well as leave a written or spoken recorded message there. and there's more in the pipeline so please do keep an eye on it!

You'll see it gradually getting tidied up over the next few weeks and then new content and new tools being added progressively after that.

And there'll be new content added there as fresh videos, audio recordings, blog posts and Verse for the Day stuff gets produced from now on ... all on the new site.

Let's pray

Lord and loving Heavenly Father we give you thanks that you have called us to serve you in such a time as this.

We see rapid change taking place in our world. Sometimes that seems unsettling as things we are accustomed to get by-passed and left behind. But we also see windows of opportunity opening to give us much greater reach with the Gospel.

Root our security, we pray, not run the changing shape of the future but in the trust that you've given us in the One Who holds the future, and who can be trusted to work change out for His greater Glory.

And grant us we pray, glad and grateful hearts to embrace the future that you plan out for us.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


On December 4th. the earthly remains of a good friend of ours in the fellowship that gathered at Ty'r Bugail will be laid to rest on the other side of the world.

Please pray for the family of our brother Tom Potts at this time, and take a moment to reflect on the Word for the Week video below. 

I think I know Tom well enough to say he would be concerned to be at the centre of this attention, but happy to see the Christian truth of bodily resurrection highlighted at this particular time.

So ... here y'go.

Click the (new) Word for the Week pic.

Let's sing with fresh resolve ...

Let's pray this week about ...

1. This violence in Gaza that has returned this week as Israel pursues its effort to eradicate Hamas has resumed.
We give thanks for those who have been helped in any way, especially those hostages who have been returned home.
We pray for those who are now subjected to awful threat and danger one more, and for all who seek to feed the hungry, tend the sick and help the wounded.

2. The inquiry that has been taking place into the way the UK Government handled the COVID outbreak.
We pray for truth and justice to be well served.
We pray for those who still suffer with this disease.
We pray for those who have been traumatised by the events they have experienced, and whose trauma is stirred up by the news emerging from the inquiry.

3. We pray for the people of Darfur and of Sudan where civil war still rages and suffering is currently intense both in Khartoum and in the South West.

4. We pray for the people of Ukraine, as fighting seems close to stalemate on a number of fronts in the conflict, and as continued support for the fight against Russia seems to be questioned in certain constituencies within the European and American political scene.

5. We pray for the family of Angharad Jones, who went missing last week from her home in Nantgaredig and whose life was lost before she could be found by Police and Mountain Rescue teams.
And we pray for all those involved in the search, that they will find peace despite the memory of their experiences.

6. We pray for Rob Morse the minister of Memorial Chapel in Llandovery as he seeks to recover from his recent serious illness, and for Pat Thomas who is stepping into the breach Rob has left. Wee pray that Pat and Mij his wife will soon find a home that meets their needs, and that Pat's transition out of one of his teaching jobs and into the ministry there will go smoothly.

7. Finally we pray for the Trustee Meeting of y GRWP on Thursday of this week as we meet to consider where y GRWP currently stands in view of the difficulties we have been having for so long in finding premises in Llandovery, and what we believe the future direction of travel for our work should be.

The sermon this week happens here ... (click the 'Deep-Dive' button)

Here's the video version of that sermon ...

Following on from that passage of Scripture, this 'Advent' hymn seems appropriate

Let's pray

Lord of Glory, clear our darkness, focus our hearts' desire, lead us to the Light of the world in each fresh meeting and encounter of the coming week and help us at this time of year to be signposts to the Glory of our Incarnate God.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


Thanks for being here online with us.

Reach out to us with any joys you'd like to share and any request for prayer you would like to share with us.

Use the link below if you would like to join in worshipping God through your giving with us.

And may the Lord bless all our preparations to share in celebrating His lowly birth.

Have a great week!

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  Hello and WELCOME to the DIY Sunday Service Kit. I've been away for half of this week at the Bala Ministers Conference (see the Word f...