DIY Sunday Service Kit 24/03/24 - Shouting and singing in Church - Psalm 100
Welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for Mach 24th. 2024 - Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday was when the crowd pilgrims heading up to Jerusalem got stuck into some fairly loud and jubilant praise as they approached the holy city and its temple.
In our run-up to Easter this year we are looking at the 'Easter Hope' and this week we are looking at Psalm 100 which is all about the praise that characterised Israel's worship on such occasions.
The Word for the Week opens up the subject and then we unpack the psalm more adequately in what we call 'the real world' and in the study in the Deep-Dive for today later on.
Let's make a start with prayer and then open up the Word for the Week.
Let's pray
Father in Heaven we thank you that today we can celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus into the world to bring us peace with you by shedding of His blood on the Cross ... paying the price of our sin and then rising to defeat our final enemy, death itself.
Please focus our hearts and minds on you, and as we pursue our pilgrimage through life with you today, tune our hearts to sing your praise as those pilgrims did on that famous Easter Palm Sunday when the crowds acclaimed Jesus as the One Who had come in the Name of the Lord.
For Jesus sake.
So let's worship the Lord with this arrangement of Psalm 98
As we focus on worship, let's not neglect to also pray this week for the world we are all part of, which is burdened in many places with profound needs today.
Here's the weekly prayer calendar from Justin Long
Pray for the families and children of Gaza suffering as a result of the war. Many would like to celebrate Ramadan and find themselves unable to break the fast because they lack food—“We have been practically fasting for months.” (NYT). We pray for the provision of physical food—and we pray also that God will, out of all this darkness and suffering, bring a new light to dawn, and feed spiritual hunger as well.
Pray for those (both believer and unbeliever alike) who are living in difficult conditions. Significant portions of Africa are enduring a heat wave (South Sudan, West Africa). A new article points out how 83 of the 100 most polluted cities are in India (CNN). Many of the least-reached frontier peoples are in places most affected by these sorts of situations. One worker’s prayer: “give your children strength today to live in such a physically demanding place.” Also pray for workers who will be willing to sacrifice to bring the Gospel to these challenging environments.
Pray for the tens of thousands of North Koreans who are working abroad, earning money which largely gets sent home to their country. Many live in virtual slavery, and are able to keep only a fraction of their earnings. Most is taken by the agency that sends them to work. Pray that in miraculous ways they will meet Jesus while they are outside North Korea. (RFA)
Pray for the many immigrants and refugees who come to England. Some come because they are believers, persecuted at home. Some arrive spiritually hungry, quick to join churches and ask questions. Some no doubt “fake their conversion” to assist in their asylum claims. Pray for many to become true, earnest disciples of Jesus, and that this will eventually lead to the revitalization of the church throughout England and Europe. (Nation of immigrants, best place to be an immigrant, Chinese, Muslims, African churches).
Pray for the election in India. It will stretch over 44 days (Diplomat). We can expect a logistical impact on many activities. We can also expect an upsurge of political and nationalistic fervor that can lead to sentiments against non-Hindu religions (including Christianity and Islam). Pray for peace, and for the protection of workers during this time.
Pray for the many families who have had members abducted recently in northern Nigeria. By my count, close to 500 people have been taken and are being held for ransom. Kidnap for ransom is a “low-risk, high-reward” sort of crime (BBC). Pray for the safe return of those abducted. Pray for the believers who live in the region, and the climate of fear and violence they endure.
Pray for the women who have been traumatized in Ethiopia and Tigray. A very difficult article on the subject of the widespread epidemic of sexual abuse in the context of the Tigray war was published (NYT). Pray for the church to find ways to minister to those who were wounded as a result of this conflict.
Our Bible reading today is linked to the open Bible below. Click it to follow the link.
Our Deep-Dive into Scripture this week develops our Word for the Week and focuses more closely on Psalm 100
Audio .mp3 (Click the purple dot - delayed start - stick with it!)
Video .mp4 with subtitles
Let's respond by singing God's praise
Finally, we commit our way to the Lord throughout the coming week as we prepare our hearts to celebrate His death and resurrection
1 Peter 2:23-25 reminds us:
"When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls."
Give us Lord, we pray,
minds enlightened by the truth of your Word
which tune our hearts to rejoice in our God
as the lifestyle into which you lead us by your grace.
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