Saturday, 13 April 2024

DIY Sunday Service Kit 14/04/24 - The Walking that is GOOD for you


Hello, and welcome to the DIY Sunday Service Kit for April 14th., 2024!

Did you miss us last week?

Well, we're back and there are a few changes and fresh developments in what we have to offer here today ... see if you can spot them, and once you've watched the short video Deep-Dive this week, please take just a moment to click the pic and answer the one-question, three option poll the will help us develop fresh plans to grow our Bible time. Thanks!

We begin our worship today with this new song published just this week - from Sovereign Grace Music ...

Our prayer pointers today come once more from Justin Long


We pray for all of those impacted by the ongoing war in Gaza.

  • We are praying for the families of the 196 aid workers who have been killed in the war. Bringing help and healing to those suffering in the midst of violence is a tremendously risky endeavor, and while we are inspired by their boldness, we are sad for the loss, and pray for those who are grieving.

  • We pray for those who continue to risk their lives to try and help the hurting, and for the stress their families feel. We pray for the Spirit to give them wisdom and discernment for their daily actions, as well as courage and protection.

  • We continue to pray for an end to the war and a just resolution. We pray that more aid corridors would be opened and aid workers would be able to operate with a greater measure of safety.


We pray for the children of Kenya. A heart-wrenching article in Kenya’s Standard Media is entitled, “Children no one wants as clock ticks to phase out orphanages.” Under the National Care Reform Strategy, Kenya is essentially moving away from orphanages - but for many children in orphanages, it’s proving difficult to trace their families and get them into family based care. This is especially so when the child is in some ways disabled. We pray for the children, and for ministries of the church that could help. In our prayers, let’s remember Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me… The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


We pray for the thousands displaced and traumatized in the 15-year fight against Boko Haram. “The fight against Boko Haram leaves a trail of ruin and ashes” tells the story of those who live in and around North Nigeria. The war against Boko Haram has resulted in over 350,000 deaths, and the destruction of numerous villages burnt to the ground. The voice of one: “‘Nothing feels normal anymore,’ she said, not after watching soldiers swoop into your community and kill your loved ones. But then she added, ‘God had destined it to happen. Even if it is not okay, it is okay since it is God’s doing.’” We pray for peace, a just resolution, and for healing for the traumatized. We pray for the many Kingdom-multiplying ministries working in the region, in the midst of many dangers. Most of all we pray for the truth of God’s character and his love for people like Zara to be revealed to them.


We pray for the secret believers in Iran. The BBC has a short piece on “The Christians celebrating Easter in secret.” “‘We meet in small groups and each time in different places,’ Tina says. ‘It could be in the home of one of our members or sometimes even in a park or in a car while driving. It's safer if each group knows as little as possible about the others, so if one group encounters problems, the rest aren't implicated.’” Another reports that when he was first arrested, 3-year sentences were common; now, 10 to 15 year sentences are. Nevertheless, there is a continued strong trend: many Iranians are disillusioned with Islam and are leaving their beliefs. The larger share of these are secularizing, but a certain percentage are becoming Christians. Many who come to the West are spiritually hungry to learn about Jesus. Pray for secret believers to be steadfast in their faith, and to have opportunities to share the Truth with their family and friends, and that the number of Jesus followers in Iran would continue to grow.


We pray for the families that were impacted by the earthquake in Taiwan. The 7.5 quake saw 9 killed and 900 injured—while tragic, it could have been far worse. We express gratitude that the toll was that low, and pray that many mission agencies, denominations, and Kingdom workers will use the opportunity as a reminder to prepare for worse disasters in least-reached regions. Similar magnitude earthquakes in Pakistan and Turkey both killed in the 10s of thousands, and it is not uncommon for such quakes to occur in any given year.


South Korea is exploring how foreign students and foreign spouses can take jobs as domestic helpers for South Korean families (Korea Herald). People in similar sorts of positions in the Middle East have brought the Gospel to Gulf states; might there be a Kingdom opportunity in Korea? Pray that God would give Kingdom workers discernment, innovation, and a willingness to serve children and families. Also, let’s take a moment to pray for the many Kingdom workers who are steadfastly and patiently waiting, in the South, for the border to the North to open—who are praying for the Gospel to flood into the North in a miraculous way.


Social norms are being stressed in Malaysia and Indonesia around religious lines. A five part series on political Islam in CNA is highlighting how Christians are feeling the sting of pressure and persecution. “Her case is an example of how increasing restrictions in the name of religion are upheaving social norms and liberties.” Pray for Christians who must experience daily life in the midst of social pressure. Pray for believers to be discerning and wise yet bold in their witness, and as in Iran, steadfast in their faithful devotion and obedience to Jesus.

Click this link for this week's Bible reading

Our Psalm today is Psalm 90

Our Deep-Dive into Scripture is here ...



So, we tried something a bit different with the Deep-Dive this week ... just giving it a try ... would you take a moment to click the pic below and choose just one of the three options in the poll there? 
Thanks so much!

Let's pray

Father we thank you that your have provided for us through your Son the Lord Jesus Christ the path to life that restores Eden's fellowship with you to those who trust in you.

Lead us into the way of walking with you.

Hold us in the relationship with you that the gift of your Holy Spirit brings.

And bring us, safe following you, at last to your glorious Heavenly home.

We ask for Jesus' sake.


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